Recent Storm Damage Posts

Facebook RSS Navigating the Threat of Summer Tornadoes | SERVPRO of Rapid City

7/15/2024 (Permalink)

dark gray cloudy background with torrential downpour rain overlay When storms strike, call SERVPRO of Rapid City to restore your property to preloss condition faster!

While summer often evokes images of sunny days and outdoor adventures, it also brings with it the potential for severe weather, including tornadoes. These powerful and unpredictable storms can strike suddenly, causing widespread devastation and posing significant risks to both life and property.

Understanding the dangers associated with tornadoes during summer is crucial for preparedness and safety.

The Unpredictable Nature of Tornadoes

Tornadoes are characterized by their rapid rotation of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground, forming a funnel-shaped cloud. They can develop swiftly and move across the landscape at high speeds, making them challenging to predict and providing residents with minimal time to seek shelter.

During summer in Rapid City, the atmospheric conditions conducive to tornado formation—such as warm, moist air colliding with cooler, drier air—are prevalent, increasing the likelihood of tornado outbreaks.

Devastating Impact on Communities

The impact of a tornado can be catastrophic. Winds exceeding 200 miles per hour can demolish buildings, uproot trees, and turn debris into dangerous projectiles. Entire neighborhoods can be leveled within minutes, leaving residents displaced and communities grappling with the aftermath.

Tornadoes can also disrupt critical infrastructure, including power lines, water supply systems, and communication networks, hindering recovery efforts and prolonging the restoration process.

Safety Precautions and Preparedness

Preparedness is key to mitigating the risks associated with tornadoes:

  • Stay Informed: Monitor local weather forecasts and tornado warnings issued by the National Weather Service.
  • Identify Shelter Options: Know where to seek safe refuge in your home or workplace, such as basements, storm cellars, or interior rooms on the lowest level.
  • Create an Emergency Plan: Establish a family emergency plan that includes communication strategies, evacuation routes, and essential contacts.
Conclusion: Be Vigilant and Prepared

As summer progresses and weather patterns become more volatile, the threat of tornadoes in Rapid City looms large. Understanding the unpredictable nature and devastating impact of tornadoes underscores the importance of preparedness and readiness.

By staying informed, identifying safe shelter options, and having a comprehensive emergency plan in place, individuals and communities can minimize risks and enhance their resilience in the face of a tornado.

Contact SERVPRO of Rapid City for expert tornado damage restoration services. Our team is prepared to respond swiftly and effectively.

Dealing with the Aftermath: Recovering from Tornado Damage in Rapid City | SERVPRO of Rapid City

7/2/2024 (Permalink)

thunderclouds and lightning next to funnel cloud behind home SERVPRO of Rapid City is Here to Help® after intense summer storms affect your home or business.

Tornadoes are unpredictable forces of nature that can cause extensive damage to homes and businesses in Rapid City. In the wake of a tornado, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and unsure of what steps to take next.

However, knowing what to do immediately after suffering tornado damage can help expedite the recovery process and minimize further harm.

Here’s a guide on what to do right after experiencing tornado damage in Rapid City:

Prioritize Safety First

Assessing Hazards: Before anything else, ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones. Be on the lookout for any immediate dangers such as downed power lines, gas leaks, or structural instability. If you suspect any hazards, evacuate the area immediately and contact emergency services for assistance. Safety should always be the top priority in the aftermath of a tornado.

Inspecting for Damage: Once it’s safe to do so, conduct a thorough inspection of your property to assess the extent of the tornado damage. Check for structural damage to your home or business, including roof damage, broken windows, and compromised walls. Take note of any areas where water may be entering the building, as water damage can exacerbate the situation if left unchecked.

Taking Immediate Action

Emergency Repairs: After assessing the damage, prioritize emergency repairs to prevent further deterioration of your property. Tarping roofs, boarding up windows, and sealing any openings can help mitigate additional damage caused by exposure to the elements. Addressing these issues promptly can help protect your property while you wait for more extensive repairs to be made.

Mitigating Water Damage: Tornadoes often bring heavy rainfall, leading to water damage inside buildings. If your property has suffered water intrusion, take immediate action to extract standing water and begin the drying process. Mold can start to develop within 24-48 hours of water damage, so it’s crucial to act quickly to prevent further issues. Consider contacting a professional water damage restoration service like SERVPRO of Rapid City for assistance with water extraction and drying.

Documenting the Damage and Contacting Your Insurance Provider

Documenting Damage: To facilitate the insurance claims process, document the tornado damage thoroughly. Take photographs and videos of the damage from multiple angles, capturing both the interior and exterior of your property. Keep detailed records of any emergency repairs or expenses incurred as a result of the tornado damage.

Contacting Your Insurance Provider: Once you’ve documented the damage, contact your insurance provider to file a claim. Provide them with the evidence you’ve gathered, including photographs, videos, and written descriptions of the damage. Keep track of all communications with your insurance company and follow their instructions closely to ensure a smooth claims process.

Partner with SERVPRO of Rapid City

Recovering from tornado damage can be a daunting task, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. At SERVPRO of Rapid City, we specialize in tornado damage restoration and are here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today for immediate assistance with tornado damage cleanup and restoration.

Our team of professionals is available 247 to respond to emergencies and help you get back on your feet after a tornado. Don’t wait – call SERVPRO of Rapid City now for reliable and efficient tornado damage restoration services.

Dealing with storm damage? Call SERVPRO of Rapid City for a quick restoration.

Preparing Your Home and Family For Tornado Season | SERVPRO of Rapid City

6/17/2024 (Permalink)

lightning strike across stormy purple sky Whether its storm damage cleanup or restoration, SERVPRO of Rapid City is ready to respond in a moments notice to your call.

As summer approaches in the Midwest, our community needs to prepare for the possibility of tornadoes. These violent storms can strike suddenly and cause extensive damage to homes and communities.

However, by taking proactive steps to prepare your home and family, you can increase your chances of staying safe during tornado season.

Getting Your Home Ready

Before tornado season begins, it’s crucial to assess your home’s vulnerabilities and make necessary improvements to protect against storm damage. Start by inspecting your roof for any signs of damage or weakness, such as loose or missing shingles. Reinforce your roof if needed and consider installing hurricane straps or clips to help secure it to the rest of your home’s structure.

Next, examine your windows and doors to ensure they are strong enough to withstand high winds and flying debris. Consider investing in impact-resistant windows or installing storm shutters for added protection during tornadoes. Reinforce garage doors to prevent them from collapsing under pressure, which can lead to significant damage to your home.

Understanding Tornado Alerts

It’s essential to understand the difference between a tornado watch and a tornado warning to know how to respond effectively during severe weather events.

  • Tornado Watch: A tornado watch is issued when weather conditions are favorable for the development of tornadoes. During a tornado watch, stay informed and be prepared to take action if a tornado warning is issued for your area. Monitor weather updates closely and have a plan in place to seek shelter if necessary.

  • Tornado Warning: A tornado warning is issued when a tornado has been spotted or indicated by radar in your area. When a tornado warning is issued, it means that a tornado is imminent or already occurring, and immediate action is required to protect yourself and your family. Seek shelter in a safe room or basement, away from windows and exterior walls, and stay there until the storm has passed and it is safe to emerge.

Create a Tornado Preparedness Plan

Having a tornado preparedness plan in place is essential for ensuring the safety of your family during severe weather events. Designate a safe room or area in your home where you can take shelter during a tornado. Stock this area with emergency supplies, including water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, a first-aid kit, and any necessary medications.

Ensure that everyone in your household knows the location of the safe room and understands the importance of seeking shelter immediately when a tornado warning is issued. Practice tornado drills regularly so that everyone is familiar with the procedure and knows what to do in the event of a tornado.

Summer tornado season in the Midwest can be unpredictable and dangerous, but by taking proactive steps to prepare your home and family, you can increase your chances of staying safe and minimizing damage.

If your home is affected by a tornado or other severe weather event, SERVPRO of Rapid City is here to help.

Tips for Storm Planning With Your Family | SERVPRO of Rapid City

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage

Storms can be a scary experience for anyone, but especially for children and pets. The sound of thunder, lightning and tornado sirens can leave you feeling unsure of where to start when it comes to your response. However, with proper preparation, you can keep your family calm and collected during storm situations.

Our team has put together some simple tips to help you incorporate storm planning into your family routine, ensuring everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency. By following these steps, you can take control of the situation and make sure your loved ones stay safe during severe weather.

<h3the-sky-signs">Learning the Sky Signs

We can all easily tell the difference between a cloudy day and a sunny one, but recognizing when severe weather is approaching can be a bit trickier. Teach your kids to keep an eye on the sky when they are outside and to look for rotating clouds, a dark or green sky, or rumbling thunder and lightning.

In addition, your kids should know what a tornado siren sounds like and when one might be activated. A great time to do this is during a testing day! Have your kids simulate a regular day and then time them to see how long it takes to get to your safe shelter location once the test siren goes off.

<h3for-incoming-weather">Preparing for Incoming Weather

Has your family discussed your storm emergency plan? Doing so can help everyone understand what is expected of them during a true emergency. Locate your safe shelter location and work together to prepare your emergency kit.

Once you choose your safe sheltering area, keep it free of clutter and consider moving a heavy object like a table or desk into the room to act as additional protection. Have a little fun by building a fort under the table with your kids and huddle together inside.

You should also let your kids help pack up your emergency kit! Start by gathering the essentials and then let your kids pick some special snacks to go into the bag. Let them each choose a durable water bottle as well.

Let your kids add a flashlight into the bag for themselves and let them label theirs with their own name. Don’t forget extra batteries, matches and any necessary medications. Finally, let your kids add games or activities into the bag that will keep them entertained while they have to shelter in place. It may seem unnecessary during an emergency, but we promise that you will be grateful for the distraction if you are stuck inside for a long period of time.

<h3the-kids-calm">Keeping the Kids Calm

When severe weather strikes, it’s natural for children to feel scared and apprehensive. As a parent, it’s important to ease their fears and help them feel more confident during these situations. One way to do this is by educating them on the actual probability of experiencing severe destruction or being directly hit by a tornado. In most cases, damage is usually limited to the roof, siding and surrounding areas and doesn’t result in total devastation.

Reassure your children that they are safe, and remind them of the steps you have taken to prepare for the storm. To keep their minds off of the weather, engage them in fun activities and try to narrate the events in a lighthearted manner. For example, you could turn the storm into a game of “indoor camping” and encourage them to build a fort in your safe shelter location.

By incorporating these tips into your severe weather plan, you can help your children feel more prepared and confident during storms.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

The Basics of Flood Damage and Prevention | SERVPRO of Rapid City

4/1/2024 (Permalink)

rain water pooling on a hardwood floor after a storm with a man in work boots walking through it SERVPRO of Rapid City is ready to help in a moments notice after spring showers leak in to your home or business.

When you really want to get a task done well, do you just jump right in and tackle it all at once or do you break it down to the basics and work your way in? Oftentimes, starting at the beginning can help you tackle a problem more completely and will work better for you in the long run.

This is especially true when it comes to preventing home damage during severe weather or other home disasters. If you take simple prevention steps now, you will be much more likely to find success when the situation does occur.

Home and property flooding is a serious issue that can happen at any time, so use the steps below to help you prepare for this unfortunate type of emergency.

Flood Zones

Floods are usually associated with massive weather events, but that is not always the case. Sure, they can occur when it is raining heavily, but they can also happen when water lines break or when appliances malfunction. Either way, knowing what to do and how to react is crucial.

Do you know if your home is in a designated flood zone? Due to our close proximity to the Black Hills, we can experience higher instances of flooding than other communities around us, so it is important to know your home’s specific risk.

Even if you are not in a flood zone directly, you should still take precautions to help your home stay dry. Adding extra drainage to your yard or lengthening your downspouts can help encourage all that water to flow somewhere more productive.

If your property has a lot of trees, make sure that your gutters are cleared regularly or install gutter covers to keep any yard debris and leaves out of your system. In addition, you should be checking your roof regularly for signs of damage after every storm.

Being Prepared

While it is necessary to understand the various threat levels for our area, it is also important to take steps to protect your property. If you have suffered flood damage before, that experience might actually help you make some meaningful changes to your home.

For example, if your basement tends to flood when it rains, you can use that knowledge to invest in a professional yard grading. If your yard slopes away from your home instead of backward toward your foundation, gravity can help pull the rain down into a more productive place. You can also use this knowledge to purchase things for your home like new seals for your windows and doors or a sump pump to help keep water out of the lowest areas of your home.

Even if you start with the basics of flood prevention and work hard to keep your property dry, we all know that Mother Nature is unpredictable. Call us day or night for a quick restoration.

Do you have water damage in your home? Contact us at SERVPRO® for fast recovery.

Weather Alerts: What You Need to Know | SERVPRO of Rapid City

3/1/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pouring down on an outdoor metal roof in a storm Let SERVPRO of Rapid City help you get from April showers to May flowers.

The spring season is well on its way, and it’s time once again to dust off our rain boots and enjoy warmer and longer days ahead! That also means that rumbling thunderstorms, heavy rain and even severe weather are on the horizon once more.

Even though we can’t control the spring weather, we can certainly all be prepared for it. Our team explains some easy ways to stay connected to the weather forecast and any changing conditions through various alert systems.

Staying Connected Via the Internet

We all spend so much time on our phones and are connected to screens all day every day, so it is natural to turn to the internet when it comes to receiving alerts. Wireless Emergency Alerts are alerts that can be issued automatically if you are connected to WiFi if there is a serious situation developing, or you can download a reliable weather app to receive alerts and notifications based on your specific location.

If you go the app route, make sure you are choosing wisely. There are many different kinds of weather apps out there, and they are not all created equally. Avoid the ones that tend to exaggerate forecasts purely for engagement, and stick with nationally recognized organizations instead. You should also consider signing up for the Pennington County weather alerts so you are always in the know!

News stations or local weather channels can also be trusted sources, so turn on your TV whenever there is a system approaching so you can watch it move in real-time. These live updates can help you determine your travel plans or when you need to be seeking shelter.

Other Alert Options

You should also have at least one alert system in place that will work regardless if we have power or not. Phones, TVs and laptops are great ways to stay connected, but only if we have electricity! Once batteries run out, you could be left in a really vulnerable position if you are caught without a way to receive alerts.

Local weather sirens that are positioned around town can also be a great indicator that something is amiss, but they also shouldn’t be relied on completely if you live in a part of town that makes it hard to hear them.

We recommend investing in an NOAA weather radio! A hand-crank or solar-powered radio can be a really good backup in case we lose power. You can take it with you into your sheltering location, or you can take it with you when you are out inspecting your property after the first wave of weather passes.

Being prepared is something we will always encourage, but we also know that it is not always a foolproof plan. If your home is damaged in a storm this season, give us a call right away so we can address repairs and help you recover completely.

Serious storms can cause serious property damage. Call SERVPRO® 247 for immediate restoration assistance.

Understanding How Home Damage Can Compound Over Time | SERVPRO of Rapid City

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

residentail home with roof destroyed and debris falling down If you discover damage in your residence, call SERVPRO of Rapid City right away.

Different weather threats or unexpected situations can often take us by surprise and leave our homes with significant damage. Fire, floods and even simple accidents like broken windows from an errant golf ball can be frustrating to deal with.

While these types of situations can happen at any point, we can’t spend all of our days worrying about the possibilities! Knowing what to expect and preparing for the different scenarios can help you avoid extensive damage.

SERVPRO® of Rapid City is proud to help our community recover from disaster! We explain some of the more common threats for our area and what we can do to help below.

The Different Weather Threats We Face

When the wind blows across the plains in the summertime, we can experience strong storms that come with damaging wind and heavy rain. In the winter, a single blizzard can knock out power for hours or lead to heavy snow that collapses roofs or causes other home disasters to occur.

The Midwest brings all kinds of challenges throughout the year! General home damage threats like house fires or flooded basements are also possible no matter what season we are in.

Water damage can occur quickly from a singular weather event, or it can happen slowly over a long period of time if your home experiences a malfunction like a leaky pipe or faulty water line. Fire can also occur due to natural causes, but it is much more likely to occur due to some sort of human accident or error.

When Damage Gets Worse

Most disaster situations are frustrating to deal with, and unfortunately, they can lead to other serious problems if the mess isn’t cleaned up right away. For example, water disasters will certainly soak your floors, walls and ceilings, but they can also lead to lingering moisture that sparks mold growth. Over time, that mold can affect your home’s structural integrity and impact your air quality.

Another example of compounding damage comes from house fires. A fire will rip through your home, leaving burned debris in its wake, but it can also lead to lingering soot and smoke all over your house. Water damage and damage from fire extinguisher chemicals also sometimes occur, leaving you with a serious mess on your hands.

No matter what occurred on your property, a fast and thorough recovery is always recommended. That’s what we are here for! We will help you overcome whatever disaster situation you are faced with quickly and efficiently.

If your home suffers a water disaster, we will first make sure your space is dried completely, including your soft materials and possessions. Then we will clean, sanitize and repair the area to bring it back to its preloss state and to prevent mold growth.

If you suffer a house fire, we can tackle the debris removal right away and then get started on removing soot and smoke odors from all over your home. In addition, we will tackle water damage repair alongside any structural repairs that need to occur.

We are trained to handle every part of your restoration no matter what, so you can rest assured that our team will take care of you every step of the way. Let SERVPRO of Rapid City help you recover after your next disaster.

Does your home need restoration and you don’t want to make more than one call? Contact us to get everything handled by one team.

The Power of Winter Storms in Western South Dakota | SERVPRO of Rapid City

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

snowy highway with vehicles driving in a squall The winter season is almost upon us! SERVPRO of Rapid City has your back with these helpful tips.

When the winter wind blows around here, it really blows! Strong winter storms are on the horizon for us already this season, so we need to be prepared for the subzero temperatures, blizzard conditions and slippery roads that are bound to be around soon enough.

In order to avoid serious damage and to stay safe while the snow falls, you have to prepare your home for the incoming weather! Check out our tips below to help you prepare before the first serious storm comes our way.

Preparing Your Home Inside

The road conditions can deteriorate quickly in the Rapid City area, which is why it is always recommended to avoid travel when a storm system is on its way. Sleet and heavy snow can make it difficult to travel, and wind can create drafts that could leave you stranded on the side of the road.

Start gathering your supplies and your emergency kit, and dig out your weather radio. Strong storms can knock out power for days, so having a reliable way to be alerted to changing conditions and community updates is crucial.

Include flashlights with extra batteries, a basic first-aid kit, blankets, and safe drinking water and food. You should also have an extra heating source or load up on firewood for your fireplace, just as a reliable backup in case the power is out for longer than you thought.

While you might prepare your home as best you can, you should also have a location in mind that you can travel to if your home simply becomes too cold to stay in. Pick a friend’s home, a public space like our local library or a predetermined warming center.

Addressing Conditions After the Storm

Use caution when walking around your home after a storm passes. Really deep snow, drifts and wind can make it hard to get around, and it can disorient you really quickly outside. Wait until the conditions improve before going outside to assess your home and start the cleanup process.

Grab your roof rake or a shovel and pull the snow off of the edges of your roof all around your home. This can help reduce your risk of ice dams forming and causing serious roof damage, but it can also take the weight off. Heavy, wet snow can weigh up to 20 pounds per cubic foot, which can add up over time and can even lead to a roof cave-in.

Drifts and blowing snow can also impact the vents around your home. Locate all of the vents leading from your home and clear them of snow and ice buildup. If any vent can’t work properly, carbon monoxide can’t escape safely and it could be dangerous or even deadly for your family.

How Our Storm Damage Restoration Works

If your home suffers damage due to the impact of a storm this season, give us a call right away. Heavy snow can damage parts of your home, ice can crack and bust pipes or other components and even strong wind can rip off shingles.

Our team will assess the situation, secure your home and get to work on repairs right way. Our goal is to restore your home as quickly as possible so you can get back to all of the wintery fun that this season has to bring.

Our team is always ready for anything! Contact us at SERVPRO of Rapid City for a quick restoration after suffering damage from a winter storm.

Recovering After a Storm in the Rapid City Area | SERVPRO of Rapid City

9/18/2023 (Permalink)

Dramatic night shot of a home with visible roof damage from a recently storm and fallen debris Summer storms affecting your property? Call SERVPRO of Rapid City to restore your space in no time!

Preparing for storms is one thing, but dealing with the aftermath of unexpected damage is entirely different! One strong thunderstorm has the potential to blow in and cause significant damage to your home and property. Summer in the Rapid City area can bring storms in quickly as they roll across the central plains and bring along heavy rain, wind and hail. We usually get a handful of tornado touchdowns every year, so staying vigilant is key.

Staying safe when poor weather is forecast should always be your top priority. Get your family and yourself into your safe sheltering location and stay there until the threat has passed.

Once the coast is clear and you can find your way out, follow our guidelines below for assessing the damage and for figuring out what to do next.

Immediately Following a Storm

Storms can be unpredictable or come in waves in our area, so stay connected to local authorities even after the worst of it has passed. Hail, lightning and another round of storms may be on the horizon. If you do exit your sheltering location, be sure it is ready to use again at a moment’s notice.

Connecting with your loved ones after a storm is always a good idea. While it may not be possible to call each other at the moment, a simple text can help put everyone at ease.

Once you are sure it is safe to be outside, go check on your neighbors. Storms can sometimes have a very specific path and, while your home may have fared OK, your neighbor’s may not have.

You should also take photos of any damage you discover. Fresh images right after the weather event helps us form our recovery plan, but they also help make the claims process with your insurance company much smoother.

As the Hours Pass

Be extremely cautious as you walk about your property. Loose nails, floorboards or other home damage may not be immediately noticeable and can be a danger to you as you are assessing the damage. Keep your phone with you as you walk around just in case you run into any issues.

If your home has been significantly damaged and it is still drizzling or steadily raining, use some tarps to cover your belongings or hang some wooden boards from your windows. We will do this when we arrive, but do what you can to protect your things while you wait for us to get there.

SERVPRO® of Rapid City works directly with your insurance company to ensure the claims process is completed correctly, and we can even discuss alternative locations for you to stay if your restoration is significant enough to need to displace you for a few days.

We know that suffering home damage can be really stressful in the summer season, but we are here to help make your recovery as smooth as possible. Call us day or night for a complete restoration.

If a storm leaves your home damaged, contact us for fast recovery. We’re here 247 when you need us.

Tackling Your Storm Prep for the Summer Season | SERVPRO of Rapid City

7/19/2023 (Permalink)

Empty parking lot with lots of greenery shown during a heavy downpour of rain. Have you been impacted by the unusual summer storm season? SERVPRO of Rapid City has your back when you experience flood and water damage.

Rain, hail, wind, floods and the threat of tornadoes are all just a common part of the summer season. While the different weather threats can vary in severity, it is still crucial to prepare for whatever could come our way.

In addition to maintaining your home with daily cleaning and tasks, you also need to take steps to protect your home from the possibility of damages when a storm comes to town.

The summer season can bring strong thunderstorms with hail and high wind, and tornado conditions can appear quickly without much warning. This is why being ready in advance is always recommended in the Rapid City community.

When you start planning how to approach your preparation, consider starting outside. Check out our tips below to help prepare your home and yard to weather the summer storms this year.

Taking Care of Your Home

Even though preparing for the possibility of storms may seem overwhelming, what you are already probably doing on a regular basis counts as storm preparation! These tasks can be worked into your routine chore list so your home can remain functional and damage-free.

Strong winds can accompany storms at any point, so having your trees always trimmed can help reduce the amount of falling branches. You should also inspect your trees for dead limbs, and pick up any yard debris and dispose of it quickly. Heavy rain is also a classic part of a summer storm, so get onto your roof regularly to clean out your gutters. Leaves and other debris can block your gutters and cause water to pool on your roof that could eventually leak down your walls.

You should also take the time to inspect your home’s exterior before and after any storm. Maintaining caulking around your windows and doors can help stop water leaks and quickly replacing any broken or missing shingles can help keep your attic dry.

Home Upgrades to Invest In

Preparing for storms thankfully doesn’t cost much money and can be done rather quickly. However, there are a few things you can consider investing in that will take your home’s protection to the next level.

Storm shutters are an easy way to add a layer of protection to your home. Once installed, they can simply be pulled over your window to protect them from breaking. If your property has a lot of trees, investing in gutter guards can help reduce the number of times you have to get on your roof to clean out leaves and other debris.

Any additional sheds or outbuildings on your property are also at risk of damage, so adding bracing or reinforcements to the walls or roof can help protect them from damage during high winds.

Once your home is ready, be sure you have your storm alert systems ready to work, and listen to all watches and warnings that are issued. If your home is still damaged in a storm after all of your preparations, you can rely on SERVPRO of Rapid City to restore your home quickly.

Was your home damaged in a storm? Call us at SERVPRO of Rapid City to start restoration, 247.

Arming Your Team With Storm Safety Information | SERVPRO of Rapid City

7/14/2023 (Permalink)

Business man holding an umbrella and briefcase with a dark thunderstorm behind him. If your home or business was damaged in a storm, call SERVPRO of Rapid City to get you back in action.

You rely on your team to help make your business successful, so supporting them should be one of your main goals as a business owner. Preparing your staff in the event of an emergency can help ensure their safety in any situation.

Extreme weather is one instance that can create chaos relatively quickly, so training your staff in the proper response to each situation can help everyone react quickly and calmly.

Use our tips below to help bolster your staff’s confidence when a true weather emergency arrives.

The Risks in Rapid City

We experience all kinds of weather in the Rapid City area. We have seen the snowiest winters, the strongest thunderstorms and everything in between. Because of this, having a plan tailored to each season can help you respond quicker in the event of a snowstorm, tornado or heavy rain event.

In addition, understanding your flood risk for your building is one easy way to stay prepared. If you know whether your building is in a flood zone, you can prepare your lowest levels now and consider purchasing flood insurance. Stay tuned into local weather reports and understand the weekly forecast.

Communicating With Your Team

Communicating with your team has never been easier! Our access to technology allows us to text, call or email our team members at any point. This is especially helpful when you need to communicate something quickly to everyone on your staff.

Update your contacts with everyone’s most recent information, and consider creating a group chat or group email chain so that way you can alert everyone to a developing situation with the click of a button. This can include sending out information for weather alerts, evacuation routes and safe shelter information.

Planning Your Evacuation or Sheltering Location

In certain situations, your team may need to evacuate quickly ahead of an impending weather disaster. In order to assure your team exits calmly and in an organized manner, they need to know where all of the exits are and how to get out quickly. Highlight the evacuation routes during your building tours and be sure the exits are clearly marked.

In some instances, though, staying inside is the smartest choice! Get your safe shelter location ready now by placing food, water and emergency supplies there, and be sure that every route to this location is clear of obstacles and is easily accessible.

No matter what situation occurs, practicing your emergency response with your team will help build their confidence and ensure that they stay safe during any type of severe weather event.

Don’t let extreme weather take control! If storms strike your business, SERVPRO® can help you restore your losses.

Protect Your Home as the Wind Blows | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

6/5/2023 (Permalink)

img src =”storm” alt = "dense forest area with trees bending due to intense wind and rain ” > If you've suffered from storm-related damage to your home or business, make Rapid City your first call.

We all can appreciate the wind from time to time. Some days, we welcome the gentle breeze or appreciate when the wind blows those beautiful fluffy clouds in our direction. Not all wind gusts are welcomed, however.

When the wind picks up alongside a thunderstorm or even worse, a tornado, it can be dangerous and even a deadly situation. Damaging wind can blow even when there is no severe weather occurring at all!

By having a better understanding about the different wind patterns that occur around the Rapid City area, you can better protect your family and home.

Types of Wind, Explained

Wind can come in all shapes and sizes, but the wind that causes damage usually comes from thunderstorms and tornadoes. Whenever a severe weather alert is issued for our area, don’t ignore it!

Along with lightning and rumbling thunder, wind accompanies thunderstorms as the clouds blow through. Thunderstorm wind can reach up to 60 miles per hour, which can pick up debris easily and toss it around your yard or against your house.

Next up is straight-line winds! Straight-line winds refer to any type of wind that doesn’t have rotation in it. These powerful bursts can get up to 100 miles per hour and cause widespread destruction.

Experiencing a tornado is always a scary and stressful situation. That’s because tornadoes can contain and produce many kinds of wind, like straight-line wind, downdrafts and powerful bursts called micro- and macro-bursts. Any of these types of wind have the potential to cause extreme damage.

We all know that Rapid City is a particularly windy city! That is due to the air coming down from the Hills and picking up speed across the flat landscape. We are particularly vulnerable to damaging winds when a storm races toward us, so make sure to heed all warnings and stay inside to best protect yourself.

How to Protect Your House

Wind damage can occur all around town, including damaged power lines and fallen trees, and it can also impact your property in a big way. If the wind blows hard enough, it can topple mobile homes, overturn cars and throw heavy debris into your siding.

In order to stay safe and informed during severe weather, it is important to understand the different weather alerts regarding high winds. Once you are alerted to an incoming storm, start securing loose objects like trash cans, porch chairs and benches and bring whatever you are able to inside your home or garage.

Pick up fallen branches and limbs and try to keep your trees trimmed and maintained throughout the year. Branches can easily become a projectile at the right wind speed.

Once your home and property are ready, head inside and keep your family away from the windows. If you have storm shutters, consider closing them to give yourself an added layer of protection.

Once the storm is gone and the threat has passed, take a walk around your property to look for damage. Pay attention to your roof especially, as one missing shingle is all it takes for water damage to occur in your attic. If you do find damage, make SERVPRO of Rapid City your first phone call. We will get your home back together fast.

Has your home been damaged by wind? Call us and get things cleaned up fast.

3 Major Storm Threats to Your Home | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

8/18/2022 (Permalink)

a large lightning strike off in the distance of a dark sky When you suffer storm-related damage to your home or business, make SERVPRO of Rapid City your first call.

Whenever you get a severe weather alert on your phone or from our local weather channels, it can be nerve-wracking! Storms can cause widespread damage if they are severe enough, and no one wants to be on the receiving end of storm damage.

Wind, water and impact damages are some of the most common storm damage complaints we see, so let’s unpack the risks associated with all three!

It’s never a guarantee that you will experience damages after a storm, just like you can’t be sure that your home will be fine. Whenever Mother Nature is involved, there is risk for damage. It all depends on the strength of the storm, your location in town and the materials with which your house was constructed.

In Rapid City, we see severe thunderstorms, tornadoes and winter storms throughout the changing seasons. When it comes to each system, it is important to have a plan in place!


Wind associated with tornadoes can cause some of the most widespread damages, but so can straight-line winds from thunderstorms! If the downburst of wind is strong enough, wind speeds can easily reach over 100 mph.

When wind blows that quickly, it can bend trees with ease and throw around heavy objects without much trouble. And the wind itself can rip shingles off the roof. If an incoming storm comes with a wind advisory, it is best to stay inside and away from windows in order to stay safe.

If you are given enough of a heads-up before the storm hits, take the time to clear any yard hazards like dead branches or tree limbs and tie down that patio furniture or pull it into your garage. Removing any potential hazards can help you avoid damages!


No one wants water in their home, and that’s especially true when it comes to water damage after storms! Basement flooding can be catastrophic, and it can also be a perfect environment for mold to grow.

If you choose to do any landscaping close to your home, make sure that it is angled away from your foundation so that water doesn’t flow backward into your basement. You can also research what it takes to build a rain garden in your yard to help encourage water to flow into a productive place!

Keep your gutters clear and properly functioning as well. If your gutters get backed up, the water will pool up on your roof and can seep into the eaves of your house.


Perhaps the scariest of all is “impact damage.” If large trees or other heavy outdoor objects get tossed into your house or roof, it can be incredibly destructive and costly.

Do your best to keep your property clear of any obvious hazards and remove any dead or dying trees promptly. Doing these things won’t eliminate your risk of impact damages, but it can significantly reduce it.

If you do suffer storm damages, the cost to overcome them can be severe. In 2021 alone, Americans experienced $145 billion in damages. That’s painful for your house and your wallet!

At SERVPRO of Rapid City, we are your trusted professionals when it comes to storm damage repair. Call us day or night, and we will be there for you to get started on your restoration right away.

When you suffer storm-related damage to your home or business, it’s important that you know who to call! Contact us today to get your storm damage restoration started faster.

Choose SERVPRO for Your Restoration Needs | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

8/4/2022 (Permalink)

a group of employees with restoration tools walking away from SERVPRO van No matter what type of disaster you face, SERVPRO of Rapid City is only a phone call away.

We are an independently owned and operated SERVPRO location, so we fully understand the unique struggles business owners deal with on a day-to-day basis. In addition to the intricacies of running a business, having to plan for potential disasters can seem overwhelming as well.

Predicting natural disasters and severe weather isn’t a perfect science, but being prepared for them can help you be ready to tackle any storm or situation.

In addition to sustaining potential damages to your business, the reality of suffering damages to your home is also a possibility. Regardless of your situation, we are here to help.

The first step to preparing your household or business is to create an emergency plan. Creating an emergency plan can help you be ready for any sort of weather we encounter in Rapid City.

When creating an emergency plan, doing some research about what could affect us here can also be beneficial. The American Red Cross has built an informative website that gathers data across the region that can help you prepare for different scenarios. In addition, the South Dakota Department of Public Safety has an emergency preparedness website that can help you plan for your response to severe weather more locally.

You are likely to experience some sort of storm damage in your lifetime. In each case, it is crucial to start any sort of needed restoration quickly to make sure that there are no long term damages or issues down the road.

Why Choose SERVPRO of Rapid City?

No two weather situations are alike. While severe weather and weather events that require restoration are very common, we know that each situation is unique.

In fact, more than 14 million homes are at risk of experiencing flooding each year, but damages done to homes in every region of our country can vary greatly. This is why our crews are specially trained to handle damages of every shape and size.

We are available 24 hours a day. When it comes to damage restoration, we are serious when we say that it is important to act quickly. The longer you wait to address the issue, the worse the problem can become. That’s why we are available to answer your call day or night.

If you suffer water damage, that timeline is even more crucial. Lingering moisture can lead to mold and mildew and make your situation even worse. If you discover water damage, remove the most fragile and vulnerable items in your home and then call us right away.

We provide more than damage restoration. On top of restoring any damages you incur, we can help share the load of your entire restoration process.

We can help you pack up things to prevent more damage during the restoration process, and we work with insurance companies often to help navigate difficult claims. We want to make the process as pain-free and smooth as possible for you.

No matter what kind of disaster you are facing, your local team at SERVPRO of Rapid City is here for you. Our years of experience and training will leave your home or business in good hands, and we will get you back to normal as quickly as we can.

When you suffer damage to your home or business, it’s important that you know who to call! Contact us today to get restoration started faster.

Understanding Different Storm Alerts | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

7/12/2022 (Permalink)

a red and white severe weather alert sign If you suspect any damage to your home from a recent storm, call SERVPRO of Rapid City.

Did you know that there are 42 different kinds of weather alerts that can be issued for a variety of different weather scenarios? All of the alerts are also broken down into different subcategories as well.

When you are in the midst of a severe storm or potentially dangerous situation, knowing how to respond to various weather alerts is incredibly important.

Thankfully, we don’t need to know about each of the 42 alerts, as we are landlocked and don’t have marine or tropical storm threats here in Rapid City. However, it is important to know the few threats that are the most common in the Midwest so that you can be prepared for any type of severe weather scenario.

Issuing Alerts

Before a weather alert is issued, many different factors and a lot of research goes into creating the forecast. Forecasters use a variety of tools to help create their predictions on the severity, location and length of each storm system.

The National Weather Service is in charge of weather forecasting across the nation and is responsible for issuing any warnings or alerts. In order to help keep the alerts localized, six regional offices across the country are in charge of specific areas. Our forecasts fall under the purview of the Central Region in Kansas City, Missouri, along with sub-offices located closer to home.

Meteorologists and weather forecasters within the NWS utilize all kinds of research from satellite radar, sensors, solar activity and seismic patterns. While not every point of data is used in each scenario, their goal is to be as thorough as possible to provide the most accurate prediction.

The Importance of a Watch vs. Warning

The most basic alerts to understand are watches and warnings. This is a universal language that is used in almost all weather alerts.

When a watch is issued, that simply means that the right conditions are present for a storm to become severe. Watches cover large areas and should make you be aware of any changing weather. When warnings are issued, on the other hand, that means danger is present and you should seek shelter immediately to protect yourself and your family.

In Rapid City, we experience severe storms, tornadoes and winter weather most commonly. When you know how to interpret the alerts for these weather scenarios, you are better prepared for each season.

Your Home During Storms

Understanding weather alerts can help keep you safe, but it can also help give you advanced notice to prepare your home and yard for any impending weather.

Clearing your gutters and securing your outdoor furniture are two things you can do to help minimize water damage and reduce the risk of structural damage to your possessions or home. Also take the time to update your emergency plan and add any necessary supplies to your emergency kit.

If you end up suffering any sort of storm damage, take pictures of what you find and call us right away. SERVPRO of Rapid City will answer your call day or night and we will jump right in to create your full restoration plan as quickly as we can.

The more informed you are about our weather, the safer you will be. Take the time to learn about the different alerts for storms and you will be ready to handle anything that comes our way this season!

Experienced storm damage to your home or property? Contact us today for a quick response!

Do You Have a Storm Safety Plan? | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

5/19/2022 (Permalink)

A dark cloudy sky with lighting strikes off in the distance If you discover storm damage to your home or business, reach out to SERVPRO of Rapid City right away.

Severe weather can be very frightening. When weather brings lightning, heavy rain, damaging winds and hail, it can be dangerous to your home and to your personal well-being. Plus, considering that there are around 100,000 thunderstorms throughout the United States every year, storms are common.

The unique topography of the Black Hills can spin off tornadoes and help kickstart severe weather when the cool air is disrupted. In fact, the Rapid City area is known for some unusual weather patterns. When the weather can change quickly like this, it is more important than ever to be sky-aware.

While we know that we cannot control the weather, we can be prepared for it! Having an emergency kit, a communications strategy and a plan for dealing with the aftermath of the storm are all types of things you can do to be prepared for the impact on your home and your life.

<h3severe-weather-communication-strategy">Your Severe Weather Communication Strategy

Having a way to communicate with your family is incredibly important during severe weather, and you should always have a way to receive communications from the news or city authorities. It is also important to know the difference between watches and warnings so you can know whether to simply be aware of your surroundings or take shelter immediately.

Secondly, you should have have multiple ways to receive alerts from officials, like your cellphone and an NOAA weather radio.

Lastly, make sure you have a communication strategy for your household. Locate a specific location in your home that will be your safe area (like a basement or a fully enclosed room) that everyone knows is the place to go to when the weather becomes severe. Additionally, make sure you have a plan in place to communicate with family members who are away from your home during and after the storm so you can reconnect quickly when it is over.

<h3should-be-in-your-emergency-kit">What Should Be in Your Emergency Kit?

Plan to pack the essentials that your family will need to sustain them for at least 72 hours of sheltering, and it should be packed and ready to use in your designated safe shelter area of your home. You should have nonperishable food, water, first-aid supplies and a flashlight with extra batteries.

You should also have anything else your family needs to be safe and comfortable, like daily medication or something that is necessary but would not always be easily accessible.

<h3severe-weather-aftermath-checklist">Your Severe Weather Aftermath Checklist

After the severe weather has passed, it is a good idea to review your safety plan and make any necessary changes, as well as assess any damage done to your home. Once it is safe to do so, check your property for damage.

Take a look around at your roof and the seals around your windows and doors, as these areas are the most likely to suffer water damage.

If you do discover damage, calling us at SERVPRO of Rapid City is the necessary first step. We are the trusted team of professionals who will be sure to provide you with a quick response and a reliable timeline to begin the restoration process in your home.

When your household is all together again after the storm has passed, do an audit of your safety plan. Discuss what worked and what needs to be adjusted, repack your emergency kit and edit anything that wasn’t beneficial to your process. Those adjustments will make sure you are better prepared for the next time you encounter severe weather.

If you discover storm damage to your home or business, you can count on SERVPRO to handle the restoration. We’re here 247 to spring into action—get in touch with us today.

Unexpected dangers of a leaky roof

5/2/2022 (Permalink)

a leaky roof with damage If your roof is leaking call our techs at SERVPRO today!

Roof leaks are detrimental to your home or business. Left untreated, leaking roofs can cause major issues and costly repairs. When it rains, water can seep into the roof, dripping water to the floor as well as eventually resulting in other complications. Thankfully, by being proactive, you can prevent these issues or address them before they become major problems. Here are some unexpected dangers of a leaky roof and how you can stay one step ahead.


Mold is one of the most common unexpected dangers of a leaky roof. You may think that some water on the floor isn’t a big deal, but once mold sets in, it can quickly move to other areas of your home, even if the water hasn’t reached that far. Mold spores can be carried through your HVAC system and may result in serious health complications for you and your family. To make matters worse, you may not even be able to see the mold if it’s hidden deep inside your vents or walls. If you have a leaky roof or you spot mold in your home, reach out to a mold remediation company immediately to assess the severity and possible risk to you and your family.


As water leaks into your home, it sets into your framing. Over time this will cause it to deteriorate and rot. Since most wood inside your home isn’t treated the way outdoor wood is, it can’t handle repeat exposure to moisture. Unfortunately, if you see signs of water in your home, such as ceiling spots or water dripping, then it’s probably already an issue in your home’s framing. You can fix your framing by hiring a professional contractor to drain the water, dry out the framing, and assess the structural integrity of your home. 


Since most water leaks come from the roof, it stands to reason that your attic will be one of the first areas impacted. As water enters your attic, it will cause your insulation to clump up and stop working the way it’s supposed to. Not only will this make your home cold in the winter and hot in the summer, but it will cause your energy bill to skyrocket as your HVAC system won’t be able to keep up anymore. 


Drywall is a great building material, and it’s often used to separate your home’s rooms with walls. However, it’s not supposed to get wet, and leaking roofs can cause unnecessary damage to your drywall. Once water enters your home through a leaky roof, it will steadily drip down and soak into your drywall. This will cause it to become soggy, and it may buckle or fall apart in extreme cases.

Leaky roofs are serious complications, but normal repairs are necessary as your roof deteriorates over time. While repairing your roof may not be a cost you were expecting, it’s far more affordable to address your roof issue than to wait for other related issues to escalate. Don’t let the rain get the best of your home. Hire a professional disaster management recovery group to take a look at your roof and help get your house back into working order.


SERVPRO of Rapid City is here to assess your storm damage and determine the next step. If you need a roofing evaluation or have suffered exterior damage due to storms or other natural disasters, contact us today @ 605-388-3000 and schedule a storm damage evaluation and start on the road to recovery.

Do you know what to do when lightening strikes?!

4/11/2022 (Permalink)

stormy clouds with lightning Contact the trusted team at SERVPRO Rapid City Contact us 24/7 at (605) 388-3000 today for help in such situations

After a storm has passed through our community or neighborhood - especially a strong one that causes damage it can take you off guard. After the storm has passed and when it is safe it is important to assess the property to determine if damage has occurred and get started with any potential cleanup and restoration. SERVPRO of Rapid City is here to help with your Storm Damage Repair.

Below is some helpful information about different types of storms that can bring on damage to your property and how you may be able to protect its value.

Winter Storm Damage

Winter Storms not only wreck havoc but also can cause the formation of Ice Dams. Ice dams are caused by heavy snowfall or ice build-up on your roof. These can go undetected and cause many problems, not the least of which is water damage in addition to structural deterioration and leaks. When water builds up in an ice dam, it backs up under shingles, leaks into a house, and causes major water damage to your property.

Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes are a problem for several different reasons. While not only creating an inconvenience - more seriously it can cause major damage to your home or business. If you see visible frost on the outside of your exposed pipes, detect slow or uneven water flow across your property, or feel your walls getting damp, it's critical that you act fast. Even if your pipes haven't entirely burst, it's a good idea to reach out to a restoration expert to prevent any further damage.

Storm-Related Flood Damage

The Government agency to which tracks annually losses from storms - Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that storm based flooding and hurricane force winds in 2019 in the U.S. totaled a staggering $9 billion to commercial businesses alone. When severe weather strikes, you'll want to inspect your commercial property's ceilings, walls, flooring, kitchen cabinets, and contents (furniture and clothing) as soon as possible. Water damage may cause significant issues in the future if left unchecked.

Weather Hazards That Happen During Spring | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

3/4/2022 (Permalink)

weatan image with a cloudy, rainy, sunny and snowy sky Extreme temperature changes can lead to the possibility of severe weather. SERVPRO of Rapid City is a click away if you experience any damage.

While Russia and Canada are the biggest nations in the world, the United States follows close behind in second.

When a territory is large, it can mean that seasonal weather is different for each region! And different weather patterns are known to create different weather threats.

As the spring season is drawing near, it’s important to understand what distinct weather events can happen in certain regions of the United States. Read on to get a good look.

The Pacific Northwest is likely to experience heavy rain during the spring months, which can cause flooding and water damage. Higher elevation areas might still be dealing with snow or ice melting, which can cause problems of its own.

The Upper Midwest and Northeast, including us here in Rapid City, deal with the cold winter weather longer than most everyone else! Residents from Maine to the Dakotas will experience extreme cold and even still deal with snowstorms or blizzards up until early summer. We’re quite familiar with the lingering cold and threat of winter precipitation even when it’s officially spring.

The West Coast, on the other hand, has to be aware of excessive heat waves. These can endanger lives and safety, and the intense heat combined with dry conditions can be a fire hazard, too.

The Midwest has its own set of weather hazards in spring. States from Iowa to Texas will have to watch for windstorms, derechos and the risk of wildfires. The wildfires can be easily spread because of the wind and dry season that the middle part of the United States experiences. This area is also home to “Tornado Alley,” where a large proportion of tornadoes occur.

Last, but certainly not least, you have the Southeast. They experience a wide range of severe weather of all kinds, including thunderstorms and tornadoes. States bordering the coast also have to watch for rip currents and early-season hurricanes.

As you can see, it doesn’t matter where you live here in the United States, the threat of extreme weather is real. The weather in Rapid City is clearly going to be much different than those who live on the West Coast. That’s why you must always stay prepared, no matter the season.

If extreme weather leaves you with damage from water, fire or other elements, help is a click away. Contact SERVPRO for fast, expert recovery.

If winter weather should bring damage to your home or business, contact SERVPRO of Rapid City for fast, restorative solutions.

12/2/2021 (Permalink)

a close-up image of a car and tire moving through snow What to Know About Winter Weather Safety | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and also probably the busiest! No matter what’s on your calendar, you can become so overwhelmed that you forget some other mundane things.

These “mundane” things can be something as important as safety, and that is something we can’t risk. Rapid City is known to have some pretty frosty winters.

So, let’s take a look at some things that you can do to help prepare your family, home and other important things.

<h3your-family">Protect Your Family

Communication is the lifeline to any relationship. And that saying goes for your family and preparing for any event that you can.

Your family must know what the emergency action plan is. By communicating this plan well, you can help reduce the fear for everyone.

Your family and your home are priorities, but your vehicle is a priority as well. That’s why it’s important to winterize your vehicle and make sure that you have all the necessary parts to help your car run smoothly during the winter months.

Keep your car prepped with an emergency safety kit, spare warm clothing, and other items to be prepared in case you have to take shelter in your vehicle.

<h3your-home">Protect Your Home

Winter weather typically brings freezing temperatures at some point or another, and freezing temps mean you can experience frozen pipes. This is one of the greatest dangers for homeowners during the winter. That’s why you need to be aware of potential dangers and what you can do to help prevent this costly headache.

Before you get turn any heating device on in your home, make sure that it is working well. If you use wood to help with heating, ensure that your fireplace is cleaned out and well-ventilated. It’s also imperative that you use only proper fueling agents to help ignite any fire.

<h3your-pets">Protect Your Pets

Our pets are another part of our family, and like you wouldn’t leave plants out in the freezing temperatures, you should never leave your pets out in those temps either. Bring your pets inside since they can’t handle extreme winter storms.

Horses and cattle are different. While they can’t be brought indoors, they still need to be cared for. Make sure these animals have a shelter of some kind, and they have plenty of food and thawed water.

<h3for-melts-and-flooding">Watch for Melts and Flooding

Winter weather brings snow and ice, and eventually, these things will melt and potentially cause dangerous floods.. Make sure you are staying aware of weather updates about potential flooding put out by your local officials.

If winter weather should bring damage or flooding to your home or business, contact SERVPRO for fast, restorative solutions.

Storms are our specialty

8/16/2021 (Permalink)

lightning damage to the house SERVPRO is on the job

What no one really dreams about during summer are the stormy and gloomy days.

Stay Aware with stormy weather happening more often, it can be easy to become accustomed to it.

It's important to remember that stormy weather can become severe and dangerous without much warning.

During storms, you have to be cautious and stay aware.

You can do this by installing emergency and weather apps on your phone, watching the news and/or investing in a NOAA Weather radio.

Flooding is possible, and often unpredictable, but if you think it's a likely event, stay where you are and wait until the weather backs off.

Dozens die every year from weather-related incidents, so staying ahead and being cautious will help.

If lightning is present, it's important to always stay indoors.

As much as we hate to admit it, our mothers were right-stay away from windows and avoid bathing or showering during a storm.

Stormy weather is inevitable, so keep an emergency kit prepared and readily available to save you time and possibly lives when a storm strikes.

Stay on high ground and never try to drive through flooded areas.

If storms cause damage to your home or business, SERVPRO is on the line, ready to make things right again.

Be Weather-Aware During the Summer | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

8/5/2021 (Permalink)

a large bright lighting strike in a dark stormy sky If storms cause damage to your home or business, SERVPRO of Rapid City is ready to make things right again.

Awww, sweet summertime! Vacations, long days of swimming, outdoor fun—these are the things that people love about summer. What no one really dreams about during summer are the stormy and gloomy days.

But like it or not, summer months are wetter than most.

In South Dakota, we can see a significant increase in precipitation during our summer months. While the humidity isn’t too bad, the wet days almost triple during the warmer months.

Stay Aware

With stormy weather happening more often, it can be easy to become accustomed to it. But it’s important to remember that stormy weather can become severe and dangerous without much warning.

During storms, you have to be cautious and stay aware. You can do this by installing emergency and weather apps on your phone, watching the news and/or investing in a NOAA Weather radio.

Flooding is possible, and often times unpredictable, but if you think it’s a likely event, stay where you are and wait until the weather backs off. Storms can also cause high winds, which can rip through your outdoor items and cause damage to your home.

Dozens die every year from weather-related incidents, so staying ahead and being cautious will help.

When Lightning Roars, Stay Indoors

If lightning is present, it’s important to stay indoors at all times. And even if the lightning isn’t present, remember that if you hear thunder, lightning can strike up to 10 miles away from the thunder.

As much as we hate to admit it, our mothers were right—stay away from windows and avoid bathing or showering during a storm.

Stormy weather is inevitable, so keep an emergency kit prepared and readily available to save you time and possibly lives when a storm strikes.

Stay on high ground and never try to drive through flooded areas. It doesn’t take much water to carry your car away or knock you over if you try to wade through.

There are any number of dangers that can come into play in a thunderstorm, and it’s always best to be cautious and put things on hold until storms safely pass. If storms cause damage to your home or business, SERVPRO is on the line, ready to make things right again.

Is Your Storm Kit Ready For Disaster

3/26/2021 (Permalink)

The American Red Cross encourages that each household and car have a preparedness kit, but unfortunately only 51.5% of US homes reportedly have an emergency kit ready. Kits should include the following:

  • water
  • canned food
  • a can opener
  • flashlights
  • batteries
  • including enough food
  • water for each person in your household for 5 days

Start with a power outage kit, grab an old backpack or duffel and add in plenty of bottled water, battery-operated radio and clock, flashlight for each member of your household including extra batteries, non-electric can opener, list of emergency phone numbers including family and friends and a first aid kit.

SERVPRO of Rapid City specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Rapid City (605)388-3000

Has Storm Damage Affected your Business

3/25/2021 (Permalink)

Property Damage from a Storm

Some storms can deliver more than thunder and lightning. Springtime storms can bring powerful winds, hail, heavy rains and severe damage to property. If your property is damaged from a storm, SERVPRO of Rapid City can clean it up.  As 24-hour emergency restoration company that lives in the same area as you, we know when these storms happen and are prepared.

Storm Damage at your Home or Business

Spring storms usually involve water damage, water in the basement, or rain entering a building through a roof or window.  Aside from making sure everyone is safe (including pets), the next step is to stop any further damage from happening.  SERVPRO of Rapid City will provide temporary closures to any open areas before beginning remediation and restoration.  What does that mean?  We will remove any standing water and/or debris and start drying the property. We will work with contractors to repair damage to the structure. 

Commercial to Residential Restoration After a Storm

As part of the national Disaster Recovery Team, SERVPRO of Rapid City is fully prepared to respond in force to any size disaster, bringing all the people and equipment necessary, including our disaster trailer.

If you have a water problem or wind has damaged your home or office, call SERVPRO of Rapid City.

Protect Your Home From Spring Storms With These Safety Tips

3/11/2021 (Permalink)

Are you ready for another frigid, snowy South Dakota winter to end? If so, you aren’t alone. Between cold temperatures, snow and the continuing pandemic, a case of spring fever is definitely warranted in Rapid City.

It’s already March, so spring is definitely in sight. If you’re like most of us, you’re already planning what projects you’ll complete this year to improve your home and make use of warmer temperatures.

Regardless of how you’re planning to spend spring, it’s a good idea to make time for home maintenance now, so you’re protected for one of spring’s weather threats—strong thunderstorms.

We can’t stop storms from hitting our community. But we can prepare for them. Want to know how? We’ve put together a list of projects that can help secure your home against weather threats.

Add These Seasonal Projects to Your To-Do List

How many of these projects are already on your list?

Check for problems with your roof. Don’t let the first time you realize your shingles are loose or your roof is leaking be when it starts storming. Check for missing shingles and signs of leaks first. Repair them to keep your home safer.

Look for unsecured items around your home. Patio furniture, gazebos, basketball goals and grills need to be secured and stable.

Check for tree limbs that need to be taken down. If limbs and branches are hanging over your home, they need to be removed. Why? Because they can cause damage if the wind pulls them down. You can fix them before they become a problem, though. Cut them down.

Check your sump pump for problems (if you have one). Every homeowner doesn’t need one of these. But if you do need one to regulate water levels in your basement, be sure it’s in good shape before it starts raining.

Remove any debris that’s settled in your gutters over the winter. Clean gutters allow water around your home to flow the right way, instead of overflowing and causing water damage.

If a fire, flood or any other cause damage to your home, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We are available 247 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help you.

Do you have winter weather damage?

3/9/2021 (Permalink)

STORM - Damage from Cold Weather or Winter Storm?

In South Dakota, winter weather, snow, and ice storms can cause serious damage to your home or business. When these types of disasters strike, immediate action is necessary to prevent additional damage to your property. SERVPRO of Rapid City has the winter storm experience, knowledge, and the resources to remediate damage caused by freezing weather. 

SERVPRO of Rapid City Professionals

  • Provide 24/7 Emergency Service
  • Highly Trained Winter Storm Restoration Specialists
  • Faster to Any Size Disaster 

Frozen Pipes

Intense cold weather can cause pipes to freeze and burst. In general, pipes are more likely to freeze when the temperature is below 20 degrees Fahrenheit. The resulting water damage can be extensive. Outdoor pipes and pipes in unheated areas of the home can freeze if they are not properly insulated or if temperatures are severely cold. SERVPRO of Rapid City can quickly and safely repair water damage caused by frozen pipes.

Pipes in unheated or partially heated areas are also at risk of freezing, including:

  • Basements
  • Crawl spaces
  • Garages

 Ice Dams

An ice dam is formed when snow melts unevenly on a roof and refreezes into a dam at the edge of the roof, near the eaves. This dam prevents any further snowmelt from draining off the roof. This standing water can back up under shingles, leak into a home, and cause significant water damage to ceilings, walls, and other areas. Ice dams can also tear off gutters and loosen shingles.

Roof Damage

Snow and ice can cause significant damage to your gutters and roof. The additional weight of snow and ice can even cause a roof to collapse. When there is a cold snap, water can get into cracks and small spaces and expand when it freezes, causing larger cracks and more damage. The repetition of freezing and thawing cycles can cause small cracks to get larger. 

Why Choose a SERVPRO of Rapid City? 

  • We are Faster to Any Size Disaster. SERVPRO of Rapid City is dedicated to responding instantaneously to water emergencies. A fast response minimizes the damage, limits further damage, and reduces cost. 
  • We are Highly Trained Water Damage Specialists.SERVPRO of Rapid City specializes in water damage restoration, the cornerstone of our business. We have vast water damage restoration training that helps you get back to normal more quickly.
    • Water Damage Restoration Technician
    • Applied Structural Drying Technicians 

When disaster hits make sure you are protected

2/17/2021 (Permalink)

No one knows in advance when severe weather will strike their neighborhood and possibly damage their home. But there are things you can do right now that will help ensure your home is prepared if the unexpected happens. 

The National Weather Service can help you with more than checking the weather for the upcoming weekend. They also offer advice about how to get your home ready.

Trim tree limbs and remove dead branches and bushes. Tree limbs and dead trees can pose a threat to your home during high winds. Moving them away from your home can help spare your windows, roof, and siding.

Keep your gutters free of debris. This keeps your roof (and the rest of your home) safe from water damage during heavy rains. Over time, clogged gutters can cause damage to your home that isn’t related to a single storm, so it’s important to clean them out regularly.

Securing loose items. If you have time, this can help save both these items and your home from damage. These include items like patio furniture and grills.

Shut your doors and windows. This will protect the interior of your home against water damage. Remember, even a cracked window can let water into your home.

Getting Your Family Ready

You can learn more about how to put together a family emergency plan and what weather threats are common in your area by visiting

While you’re there, you can download their app to your smartphone. This app is a great resource when you’re at home or traveling. It sends real-time alerts about severe weather near you to your phone, no matter where you are.

Cleaning Up Storm Damage

Hopefully, your family will never be hit by a storm. But if you are, expert cleaning can help get your family’s home back in order quickly. Plus, if there’s water damage, it can help protect you against mold later. We are apart of a disaster recovery.

Time to get prepared for winter

10/15/2020 (Permalink)

Snowman Burried in snow Are you Ready for Winter?

Many people are not prepared for the quickly approaching winter season and the winter storms that bring frigid temperatures along with ice and snow.  SERVPRO of Rapid City recommends having a winter checklist for your home or business to help prevent water damage from winter storms.

Here are a few items to consider:

  • Put weather stripping on doors and windows to prevent heat from escaping and cold air from entering.
  • Insulate water pipes to help prevent them from freezing and possibly bursting.
  • Check your roof for possible leaks and loose or broken shingles.
  • Keep space heaters at least three feet from anything flammable.
  • Trim tree limbs that are close to the house.
  • Clean gutters.
  • Stock up on ice melt.

If your property is affected by a disaster, such as water damage, call the trusted professionals at SERVPRO of Rapid City at 605-388-3000; we are always are always here to help.

Get Ready to Weather the Storm | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

8/24/2020 (Permalink)

severe roof damage from a large tree landing on white house SERVPRO of Rapid City is here to provide you with a rapid response. Contact us right away if you experience any storm damage.

No one knows in advance when severe weather will strike their neighborhood and possibly damage their home. But there are things you can do right now that will help ensure your home is prepared if the unexpected happens.

The National Weather Service can help you with more than checking the weather for the upcoming weekend. They also offer advice about how to get your home ready.

Trim tree limbs and remove dead branches and bushes. Tree limbs and dead trees can pose a threat to your home during high winds. Moving them away from your home can help spare your windows, roof, and siding.

Keep your gutters free of debris. This keeps your roof (and the rest of your home) safe from water damage during heavy rains. Over time, clogged gutters can cause damage to your home that isn’t related to a single storm, so it’s important to clean them out regularly.

Securing loose items. If you have time, this can help save both these items and your home from damage. These include items like patio furniture and grills.

Shut your doors and windows. This will protect the interior of your home against water damage. Remember, even a cracked window can let water into your home.

Getting Your Family Ready

You can learn more about how to put together a family emergency plan and what weather threats are common in your area by visiting

While you’re there, you can download their app to your smartphone. This app is a great resource when you’re at home or traveling. It sends real-time alerts about severe weather near you to your phone, no matter where you are.

Cleaning Up Storm Damage

Hopefully, your family will never be hit by a storm. But if you are, expert cleaning can help get your family’s home back in order quickly. Plus, if there’s water damage, it can help protect you against mold later.

If your home sustains damage due to a storm, you can count on us to help. We’re here to talk with you 247 if you need to learn more about our storm restoration process.

Picking the Right Company to Handle Storm Restoration | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

8/10/2020 (Permalink)

large downed tree laying on top of light brown house Choosing the right restoration company is crucial to getting things back to normal. Call SERVPRO of Rapid City to set up an appointment.

Experiencing severe weather while you are at home or at work can be scary, and if you emerge into the aftermath to find that your property has been damaged, stress can add up. Storm damages continue to increase every year, leading to the necessity of being prepared in advance so you know how to handle it.

Working with the right company for storm restoration can go a long way. While it will certainly be a stressful time regardless, having a company you can count on beside you can make the process much more simple and stress-free. Here are some tips for determining if the company you are interested in is a good fit for you.

Determine if You Are Working With the Right Restoration Company After a Storm

Do you trust their reputation in the community? Storms can cause damage to a large area at once, leaving many people desperate for quick restoration and creating a market ripe for scams. Do your research on any company you are considering to make sure they carry a sound local and national reputation as restoration providers before you enter into any contracts with them.

Do you feel confident they can meet demand? Storm damage is unique both in the type of damage and the sheer volume of it. Not only can it cause multiple kinds of damage, but a storm will often impact a large area at one time. With our SERVPRO® partners across the nation, we can get as much backup as we need to handle every type and every incident of damage with the same incredible service we are known for.

Do you know they will always be there to help? Storms have no regard for what is and is not convenient for people, which is why we have you covered for damage at any time, even if it occurs after business hours or on a holiday. You can get in touch with us 247 to receive a comprehensive damage response plan and have a team dispatched to you as soon as you are ready.

When you have damage from a storm to your home or commercial building, you can always depend on us to handle it. Contact us at any hour to see our exceptional service in action.

Tips to Stay Safe Regardless of Where a Summer Storm Finds You | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

7/21/2020 (Permalink)

lighting striking hillside during storm at night Have you been affected by a storm event? SERVPRO of Rapid City is available 24/7 and ready to assist you with any storm damage.

When you go outside to enjoy the warm weather, worrying about thunderstorms is probably not top of mind. However, thunderstorms can happen suddenly, especially when the humidity is high—and every thunderstorm does have the potential to be dangerous, no matter how quickly it comes and goes.

Even if you are on the go when a thunderstorm catches you, these tips can help you stay safe regardless of where you are.

Staying Safe From Thunderstorms on the Go

Know your options for shelter. The best case scenario for a thunderstorm is to find out about it safely at home and be able to stay put until the threat passes—but when you are running errands or on a trip, this is not always a viable option. You can take shelter in your car during a thunderstorm as long as you follow recommended guidelines like turning off the engine and avoiding contact with metal.

Practice electrical safety. If a building is hit by a lightning strike, the wires are generally how the electricity will transfer, which can be a big headache if you have electronics plugged in. Because standard electronics can be ruined by a power surge, unplugging them is your best scenario if you have the time. If not, you can install surge protectors at home and at work to reduce the likelihood of this happening to you.

Avoid direct contact with concrete. There are few things more structurally stable than concrete buildings, but part of what gives them this stability are the metal reinforcements in the concrete’s interior. Because of this, if you have to shelter in a concrete building, avoid leaning on the walls or sitting directly on the floor to prevent the possibility of electrical shock if lightning strikes the building.

Stay indoors for at least 30 minutes. If a severe storm interrupts your otherwise beautiful summer day, getting back outside is probably your top priority. You should make sure you are waiting an appropriate amount of time, however—there are reports of lightning traveling over 20 miles, so you should wait at least a half-hour after the last clap of thunder to head back out.

If your home sustains damage due to a storm, you can count on us to help. Contact us at any hour to learn more about our storm restoration process.

What Steps to Take in the Aftermath of a Flood | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

4/14/2020 (Permalink)

three large houses in a neighborhood with home and street flooded If you’re experiencing any water damage from flooding, SERVPRO of Rapid City is available 24/7 to assist you with any repairs.

Because flooding events are becoming more and more common across the country, being prepared for how to react if one impacts your home is wise. It is normal to want to clean up quickly when you sustain flood damage, but it is essential to make sure you are taking smart steps and making your safety a priority when you do so.

Tips for Taking the Right Steps After a Flood

Avoid further safety hazards. Getting back to your home in order to survey and clean up the damage is often a top priority after a flood, but it is important to not rush there before the area has been deemed safe. Officials must check for damages hidden by the floodwaters such as electrical wires, animals and other contaminants, and exposing yourself to these can lead to serious injuries.

Air out the home. While the damage from rising waters can be significant, mold damage can be an auxiliary issue that can also pose its own set of problems. While mold will seek out any moisture-damaged space in the aftermath of a flood, airing out your home can discourage its growth and keep the air inside the home healthier for those working on the recovery process.

Document the damages. We understand the urge to begin cleaning up immediately after laying eyes on the damages to your home, but we always urge people to do a thorough documentation first. Make an inventory list of all damaged items and take photos of the rooms that have been impacted. Not only will this be helpful for your records, but it is also a big help if you are eligible to file an insurance claim for the damages.

Contact your restoration and insurance companies right away. For those who have purchased flood insurance, setting the policy claim in motion as quickly as possible will help things move much faster for you. Additionally, reach out to your restoration company as soon as you are able to after the flood, especially if they offer a 247 service. Leaving water damage unattended can cause it to compound, meaning quick and professional treatment is the best thing for your home.

If your home has been damaged in a flood, we are here for you. You can contact us 247 to receive a quick response and set the restoration process in motion.

Why sump pumps fail

4/3/2020 (Permalink)

diagram of a sump pump Keep your sump pump in tip top shape

Power Failure

Your primary sump pump should not be treated any different than any other appliance in your home - without power, it is completely worthless.  As a safeguard, invest in a high-quality battery back-up sump pump.   A battery kept continually charged by the backup system operates a separate pump linked to the discharge pipe, providing you hours of protection until power is restored. Some backup pumps even monitor the condition of the battery and alert you when it needs to be replaced.

Frozen Discharge Pipe

If the discharge pipe is not installed pitched properly, water will collect and eventually freeze, causing a blockage. 

Switch Stuck in Place

There are several different types of sump float switches.  Vertical and tethered floats are the most common.  Vertical floats seem to work the best as tethered floats are known for getting stuck on the side walls of the sump pit (resulting in a flooded basement). 

Over-worked / Under-Powered Sump Pump

Not all pumps are created equal.  Make sure you install the correct horsepower pump capable of keeping up with your flow of water.   

Old Age

It is generally recommended that sump pumps should be replaced every five to seven years in order to be reasonably safe. Don’t wait until it’s too late!

Have a water damage from a sump pump failure? Call SERVPRO of Rapid City at (605) 388-3000

Is your kit ready?

3/30/2020 (Permalink)

picture of an emergency kit Kit for 2 people for 3 days

The American Red Cross encourages that each household and car have a preparedness kit, but unfortunately only 51.5% of US homes reportedly have an emergency kit ready. Kits should include the following:

  • water
  • canned food
  • a can opener
  • flashlights
  • batteries
  • including enough food
  • water for each person in your household for 5 days

Start with a power outage kit, grab an old backpack or duffel and add in plenty of bottled water, battery-operated radio and clock, flashlight for each member of your household including extra batteries, non-electric can opener, list of emergency phone numbers including family and friends and a first aid kit.

SERVPRO of Rapid City specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. We can handle any size disaster!

Call SERVPRO of Rapid City (605)388-3000

Weatherproofing Tips for Homeowners | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

3/10/2020 (Permalink)

a person placing weatherstripping on a white window If you have any storm damage, SERVPRO of Rapid City is here to help. We are available 24/7 and ready to assist you when you need it most.

Severe weather can cause significant and unpredictable damages to the home, but there are ways that homeowners can make their houses more resilient. Taking time to increase your home’s weatherproofing can go a long way—and considering that about half of insurance claims are due to weather, it is something that would benefit homeowners to take seriously.

Adding weatherproofing to your home is a fairly simple process that can provide homeowners with valuable peace of mind the next time severe weather is in the forecast. Keep reading to learn about the most effective weatherproofing methods you can implement around the house.

Tips for Homeowners to add Weatherproofing

Keep Your Shingles in Shape
Even for newer homes, doing regular roof inspections is a wise way to catch sneaky leaks before they get out of hand. Looking at your shingles can tell you quite a bit about your roof’s overall health—missing or cracked shingles are a good indicator that you may need professional repairs.

Beat the Weather With Weatherstripping
Implementing weatherstripping for the exterior of your home can provide significant insulation as well as protection from water leaks when heavy rains occur. Weatherstripping seals the miniature cracks that can develop around doors and windows, leading to big savings on your electricity bills as well as preventing water from working its way in.

Gut Debris From Your Gutters
Clearing debris from your gutters will prevent clogs from starting, which can lead to water damage to your roof and the exterior elements of your home. It is recommended to clean your gutters at least twice each year, and make sure you check on them frequently to determine that everything is draining as it should.

Pick the Right Paint
If you are considering a paint job for the outside of your home, it is about more than just picking a color due to all the weatherproofing technology available. Many paints have built-in water defenses and UV protection to actually reduce the way your home is aged by weather over time by reducing water damage and general wear and tear.

If you have issues with storm damage to your home, we are always here to help. Contact us 24 hours a day for a rapid response.

For Storm Damage, You Can Trust Us | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

2/10/2020 (Permalink)

a yellow storm damage sign in front of a large damaged roof SERVPRO of Rapid City is your Damage Restoration expert. If you experience any storm damage call us right away.

Storms occur quite often, which can lead individuals to forget the amount of damage they can potentially cause. Storm damages are one of the most frequent reasons why homeowners file with their insurance companies and led to around $2 billion in losses to households during 2018.

It is wise to remember just how damaging storms can be and have a plan in place in case storm damage happens to you.

When you need storm restoration, choosing a company you trust to do quality work is key. That is why we are here to tell you everything you need to know about our restoration process:

Our Unique Storm Restoration Approach

We Do a Dynamic Inspection
Every storm is different, and we understand that no two incidents of storm damage are going to be the same. That is why we take a dynamic approach to restoration inspections, checking for water, structural damage and mold growth. If these things are not treated in tandem, you will run into future problems down the road.

We Train Our Technicians Thoroughly
Our technicians are some of the best in the industry, and we invest heavily in their training to make sure they are fully prepared for any type of storm damage. Based on the guidelines set forth by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification, we design all of our training to adhere to industry standards. We also provide ongoing training programs and materials so everyone can stay up to date throughout their careers.

We Have a National Resource Pool
With a national brand behind us, we are a locally owned business that can handle damages of any caliber. We can consult with other SERVPRO® locations in the event that damages are widespread in order to provide extra resources to the community, ensuring that everyone in the area can receive restoration in a timely manner.

We Have Earned Our Reputation
After a severe band of storms, be wary of any new restoration companies that crop up to take advantage of victims. We have seen this many times in the years we have been in business, which is why we always recommend that homeowners work with reputable businesses they know they can trust.

If you have experienced storm damage or want to learn more, you can call us 247 for more details.

The Importance of Acting Quickly after a Disaster

9/4/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Rapid City is available 24/7/365 for all your disaster needs.

When a disaster strikes, it is imperative to respond quickly in order to prevent further damages and complications. Fires, mold infestations and floods from broken pipes, overflows or heavy storms – all such disasters must be dealt with in a timely manner. If not handled immediately you could experience on or more of these issues:

  • If water-damaged structures and contents are not dried out quickly and correctly, potential health risks can develop. Mold can begin to grow within the first 24 to 48 hours after the disaster.
  • Excessive water can cause: rusting in metals, corrosion in electronic components, cracking, splitting or warping of furniture items, color bleeding or transfer in fabrics, furniture stains and secondary damage to upholstery, drapery, clothing, wallpaper, photos and papers.
  • Fire or smoke damaged properties can also experience irreversible damage, regardless of the size of the fire. Soot residue is highly acidic and can pit or corrode the metal in doorknobs, plumbing fixtures, light fixtures, etc. It can also etch glass in windows, mirrors and cabinets, causing them to look soiled and cloudy. Moreover, plastics, appliances, fabrics and vinyl windows can become discolored.
  • The safety and security of the home can be compromised. Windows and doors may become weak and function improperly, wet materials may collapse and electrical installations and components can be a health hazard when they come in contact with water. Slips and falls are also potential dangers.

If you’re not sure how to act after experiencing water, fire or mold problems in your home or business, contact SERVPRO of Rapid City at 605-388-3000. We have a team of restoration professionals ready 24/7/365 to help you.

When Storms or Floods hit, SERVPRO of Rapid City is ready!

9/4/2018 (Permalink)

Our highly trained crews are ready to respond 24/7 to storm or flood damage.

SERVPRO of Rapid City specializes in storm and flood damage restoration.  Our crews are highly trained and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition. 

Faster Response

Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit the Black Hills, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of over 1,650 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today 605-388-3000