Recent Fire Damage Posts

Setting Up Your Backyard Grill for Success and Fire Prevention This Summer | SERVPRO of Rapid City

6/3/2024 (Permalink)

burgers over open flame grill Gather around the grill, but don't forget about fire safety! Follow these tips from SERVPRO of Rapid City to ensure a fun and safe night.

As the warm weather arrives, there’s nothing quite like firing up the grill and enjoying a delicious meal in your backyard. However, grilling comes with its own set of safety concerns, particularly the risk of fire.

To ensure a safe and enjoyable grilling experience this summer, here are some tips for setting up your backyard grill for success and fire prevention.

Choose the Right Location

Selecting the proper location for your grill is crucial for both safety and convenience.

Keep it Away from Structures: Position your grill at least ten feet away from your home, garage, deck railings, and overhanging branches. This distance reduces the risk of fire spreading to nearby structures.

Ensure Good Ventilation: Grill in an open area with good ventilation to prevent the buildup of smoke and carbon monoxide. Avoid using your grill indoors or in enclosed spaces, as this can lead to dangerous fumes.

Use a Stable Surface: Place your grill on a stable and level surface, away from any potential tripping hazards. Avoid setting it on grass, which can be a fire hazard, and opt for concrete or gravel instead.

Clean and Maintain Your Grill

Regular cleaning and maintenance are essential for both the performance and safety of your grill.

Clean the Grill Grates: Before each use, scrub the grill grates with a wire brush to remove any leftover food residue. This not only prevents flare-ups but also ensures that your food cooks evenly.

Empty the Grease Trap: Keep the grease trap or pan beneath the grill clean and empty to prevent grease buildup, which can ignite and cause a fire.

Inspect for Damage: Check your grill regularly for any signs of damage, such as rusted or corroded parts. Replace worn-out or damaged components promptly to maintain the safety and functionality of your grill.

Practice Safe Grilling Techniques

Follow these tips to grill safely and prevent fires:

Keep a Fire Extinguisher Nearby: Have a fire extinguisher rated for grease fires within reach whenever you’re grilling. Familiarize yourself with how to use it before an emergency arises.

Never Leave the Grill Unattended: Stay vigilant while grilling and never leave it unattended, especially when children or pets are nearby.

Be Prepared for Emergencies: Have a plan in place in case of a fire. Know how to safely extinguish a grease fire and when to call the fire department.

By following these tips for setting up your backyard grill and practicing safe grilling techniques, you can enjoy delicious outdoor meals without the worry of fire hazards.

If you experience fire damage or need assistance with fire cleanup and restoration, don’t hesitate to contact SERVPRO of Rapid City.

Staying Warm Without Starting a Fire This Season | SERVPRO of Rapid City

1/16/2024 (Permalink)

brick chimney with lit fire logs Fire safety is a top priority for us at SERVPRO of Rapid City this winter. Keep your home safe with these helpful tips!

Who else loves this time of year? Getting cozy, staying in and enjoying a well-deserved rest can make this season a favorite for many. While you are busy pulling out your fuzzy socks and bundling up near the fireplace, it is crucial that you are doing so in a fire-safe way.

The number of house fires skyrockets during the winter season across the country, and unfortunately, many of them are preventable. Knowing how to care for your fireplace and space heaters can help you stay fire-free during the rest of the winter season.

Preparing the Fireplace

We all love the warmth and ambiance that a fire provides, but fireplaces can also be downright dangerous if they are not cleaned and prepared properly. If your fireplace burns real wood, clean out the ash buildup before starting a new fire and regularly have your chimney cleaned to remove creosote buildup.

Limit the amount of clutter and flammable materials that are near your fireplace and mantle, and make sure your smoke detectors are always working. If you have an electric or gas fireplace, have your lines inspected annually for any signs of leaking or loose connections. You should also always keep a fire extinguisher close at hand for emergencies.

Preparing a Space Heater

Space heaters are an easy way to warm back up after catching a chill, but did you know that space heater mishaps are solely responsible for 1,700 house fires every year? The benefit of space heaters is that they are portable, but that is also a drawback as they can easily be tipped over.

Choose a flat, nonflammable surface to set it up on. As you get it set up and plugged in, check the cord for any fraying or loose wiring before turning it on to ensure it is not a fire hazard from the very start.

Ensure that there is a three-foot barrier around your space heater to keep kids and pets out of harm’s way (and to avoid tipping). Never plug your space heater into an extension cord and always switch it off before leaving the room or heading to bed.

Helpful Safety Features

You might get excited to see a space heater for a really good deal or one from an unknown brand that claims to work quickly, but be warned! Not all space heaters are created equally and a good deal or claim may not always be the best choice.

Do your research to make sure you are purchasing from a reliable and well-reviewed company that has passed all of the necessary safety certifications. Next, make sure it has a shutoff feature that will take over and shut off the heater after a certain period of use. This can be really helpful if you are forgetful or struggle with setting reminders on your phone.

Finally, check the cord that is connected to the heater. It should be sturdy and well-made with no fraying and should ideally be at least six feet long so you can set up your heater in a safe location.

We hope you have a safe and warm winter season! Call us right away if you suffer from fire damage and we will get right to work on your restoration. We will remove damaged debris, deodorize your space and handle any and all repairs so you can make a full recovery.

A quick fire damage restoration is just a phone call away. Call SERVPRO® for immediate assistance.

Cook Your Holiday Creations in a Fire-Safe Way | SERVPRO of Rapid City

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

pan on kitchen counter in residence ablaze while unattended Fire damage in your home? Not for long with SERVPRO of Rapid City on the case!

The holidays are here, which means it’s time for family gatherings, gift exchanges and amazing homemade food. Whether you are hosting the parties and are in charge of making all the food or you are bringing your famous green bean casserole to the event, cooking will be involved in the process.

Practicing fire-safe cooking strategies is crucial at any point in the year, but especially when the holidays are here. Kitchen fires increase in the winter months, so practicing these strategies below will help you stay fire-free and in a jolly good mood.

Reduce Fire Fuel in the Kitchen

Before you even turn on your stove or preheat your oven, get your kitchen ready. Reduce clutter and prepare your space so you can move about freely. Excess clutter or flammable materials in your kitchen can quickly lead to accidents.

Things like pot holders, oven mitts, wooden utensils and holiday decorations can easily catch fire if left too close to the heat or flames and lead to a serious emergency.

You should also be cognizant of what you are wearing. Loose clothing or a decorative apron with long strings can be safety hazards that can easily go up in flames. Roll up your sleeves and keep your loose clothing to a minimum.

Watch Your Food Closely

No matter what stage of the cooking process you are in, don’t leave the kitchen. Even walking out for a few minutes to grab something can be enough time for a full blaze to start and spread. Grilling, frying, baking and boiling can be unpredictable, so stay near to stay in control.

If your family partakes in the tradition of deep-frying a turkey, extra precautions are necessary for your safety. Do not overfill the fryer with oil and choose a flat, non-flammable surface to set up your equipment.

You also need to plan ahead and take out your turkey to thaw enough days in advance so it is completely thawed. A partially frozen turkey can cause oil to spatter and pop when you submerge it.

Check on Your Protective Measures

We all know that preventing fires isn’t a total guarantee, so having protective measures in place is crucial to your safety. Every level of your home should have at least one smoke detector, and there should ideally be one right in your kitchen. Test them monthly to ensure the batteries are working.

You should also have a fire extinguisher designated to just your kitchen space. Choose an easily accessible location that anyone can get to, and check it annually to make sure it is not expired.

We hope you enjoy a wonderful season with your family and friends. Remember, we are here for you 247 if an accident occurs and you are left with fire damage. We will restore and repair your home as fast as possible so you can carry on with the celebrations ahead.

House fires can happen in the blink of an eye. Contact us for a quick restoration day or night!

Staying Safe During Fall Bonfire Season | SERVPRO of Rapid City

9/18/2023 (Permalink)

campfire-style fire pit with flames emerging from the top of the logs on the dark green grass Bonfire season is upon us! SERVPRO of Rapid City has your back with these helpful fire safety tips.

The fall season is upon us once more, and we sure aren’t complaining. Who doesn’t love the crinkling leaves, the beautiful colors and the cooler weather? We also love the coziness that a fall bonfire brings to the season.

Fall bonfires may be relaxing and offer warmth when the sun goes down, but they can still be dangerous if they are not treated with respect.

Our SERVPRO® of Rapid City team explains more about outdoor fire safety during this time of year so everyone can stay safe and enjoy the flames in peace.

Starting a Fire Safely

Do make sure your location is secure before even lighting the flames. Most permanent bonfire pits can’t be easily moved, but you can still make sure any brush or log piles are far away from the pit.

Do keep a water source close by for emergencies. A garden hose or a bucket full of water can easily be used if your fire gets too large or out of hand. If you are camping or don’t have easy access to water, keep a shovel nearby so you can shovel dirt or sand onto the flames to extinguish them that way.

Do watch for any burn bans or changing weather conditions. Windy days or dry conditions can make it riskier to start an outdoor fire, so check with local authorities before getting out your matches.

Tips for Controlling the Flames

Don’t rely on any sort of accelerant to keep your flames going. Only use lighters, matches and tinder to light and maintain your fire. Gas and lighter fluid are unpredictable and can start an out-of-control blaze in seconds.

Don’t let kids or pets anywhere near the flames unattended. Accidents happen quickly and curious kids can lead to serious situations in seconds.

Don’t let your fire grow too large. It can be easy to just toss leaves, twigs and logs on the fire whenever you want, but a large fire is harder to control. Keep it small to keep it safe.

Don’t go inside until you are sure your flames and embers are completely extinguished. Pour your bucket over the flames or hose them down until they are out and the logs are cold to the touch.

Wildfire Safety Tips

Wildfires can happen naturally if the ground is dry and the conditions are right, but most wildfires are actually started by humans due to error or negligence. Maintain your fire by keeping it small and staying close to the flames.

While you can prepare and prevent as much as possible, unexpected situations can occur and fire damage can happen. Call SERVPRO for an immediate fire damage restoration.

Fire can cause a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Contact us day or night for immediate assistance.

Firing Up Your Barbecue Grill Without Starting a House Fire | SERVPRO of Rapid City

8/10/2023 (Permalink)

Man holding tongs above grill preparing food outdoors Have you had a barbeque gone wrong? Call SERVPRO of Rapid City to get your space back in shape.

We are in the heart of the summer season here in Rapid City, and we sure are enjoying it. The summer season is special in the Midwest with all of the sunny days, warm breezes and time spent outside with family and friends.

Who doesn’t love digging out their aprons and grill brushes to kickstart a backyard barbecue with hot dogs and burgers? While grilling may be a summertime favorite, grill fires are also at their peak at this point in the year.

Improper use of a charcoal or propane grill can quickly lead to a dangerous fire situation. Our SERVPRO® of Rapid City team wants you to enjoy your grilled food in a safe environment, so read on to learn more about reducing your risk of a fire.

Setting Up Your Workspace

As you dig out your grills from the garage or under the deck, be sure to set them up outside. While it may seem obvious that grills don’t belong in your kitchen, that also includes keeping them out of your garage or under an overhang. Your grill needs to properly vent and anything combustible above the heat and flames could easily catch on fire.

It should also be far away from your house and siding. Try to keep it at least 10 feet away from anything combustible, like your garage wall or wooden railing along your deck. This area should also be considered a kid-free and pet-free zone and that should be communicated to everyone in your party.

If your grilling method of choice is a charcoal grill, clean out ash buildup before each use and check the drum for dents or cracks. If you prefer propane grills, check the gas line for leaks and make sure each end has a secure connection. A leaky line on a propane tank is a huge safety hazard and could put everyone on your guest list in danger.

Controlling the Grill

Once your grill is warm and ready for your meal, don’t leave it unattended for any reason, and keep a water source nearby just in case of an emergency. A spray bottle can help knock down any quick flare-ups when grease drips and your hose or fire extinguisher should be on standby.

Once your food is crispy, delicious and done, hand off the plate to someone to serve so you can focus on shutting everything down properly. Turn off the gas and shut off your burners, or close the vents on the lid of your charcoal grill to stop the flow of oxygen to the flames. Once the ash and embers have cooled, move them to a metal can to prevent anything from reigniting. Before you head inside for the evening, check on your grill once more to make sure everything is cool to the touch.

We hope you have a fabulous rest of your summer season! Remember that SERVPRO of Rapid City is always here in case any sort of fire accident occurs and you are left with home damage.

Don’t let fire damage linger in your home. Call us at SERVPRO of Rapid City for a fast restoration.

Introducing Fire Safety to Your Kids in a Fun Way | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

6/10/2023 (Permalink)

img src =”storm” alt = "dense forest area with trees bending due to intense wind and rain ” > If you've suffered from storm-related damage to your home or business, make Rapid City your first call.

Having children is a lot of work, but it sure is rewarding! Each day is filled with learning, creativity and fun as you help them grow and experience the world around them. One job that is crucially important is to keep them safe and to help prevent dangerous situations from occurring around them.

One really important topic to talk to your kids about is fire safety. House fires can have disastrous consequences and can be really scary for your little ones to think about.

By changing up how you approach fire safety, you can instill some safety practices in your child’s mind without scaring them with the possibilities.

Show How Fire Starts

Many kids have trouble understanding cause and effect until it is happening in front of them. This is why it can be hard to explain fire! An easy way to introduce the concept of fire to your kids is to walk around your home and find all of the places that fire can start, including your stove, candles and bonfire pit out back.

Discuss how fire starts, and show them the matches and lighters that you use. This is also a good opportunity to explain that these tools are only for adults and should never be played with. A single match in the hands of a curious child can lead to disastrous consequences.

Introduce Them to Firefighters

It is quite common for little kids to want to grow up and become firefighters or police officers, but it’s also common for your children to be wary of these men and women when they are in full uniform. Exposing your kids to pictures, books and shows about them can help reinforce the idea of friendly heroes. It is also a good idea to attend local meet-and-greet events so your children can see a firefighter and their gear in person.

In the event of a fire, these people will be the ones to show up to your home, and a friendly face can make all the difference! It is also important to teach your children how to call for help. You can make this part fun and have your kids practice yelling their name as loudly as they can from their rooms, and time them to see how long it takes to army crawl down the hall.

Creating an Escape Plan

Your children need to know how to get out of any room in your home, so create an emergency exit plan if you haven’t already. Let them lead this and have them go from room to room to find all of the ways out.

You can even make it a game to see how long it takes them to figure it out! Once each room is done, put it into a diagram of your whole house.

In addition, you should explain how to open each window in your home. In the event of a true emergency, your children need to know this important information! Just be sure to reinforce the idea that windows are never toys and should never be used for fun.

Once you have it all together, practice as a family twice a year and end by meeting at your outdoor meeting location. Challenging your kids in a fun and engaging way can help them respond quicker and more confidently in the event of a true house fire.

Fires can cause widespread damage. Call us for a thorough and efficient restoration.

We Can Help You Recover After a Fire | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

2/11/2023 (Permalink)

img src =”fire” alt = "a small house completely engulfed in flames” > For quick repairs following a fire, get in touch with our team at SERVPRO of Rapid City.

Any sort of house disaster can be overwhelming and hard to fully understand in the aftermath. If you are a homeowner, you certainly understand that worry! House fires in particular can be especially destructive and can make a large impact on your family’s lives.

Dealing with the cleanup and restoration on your own can be hard, but thankfully you don’t have to do that! Your SERVPRO of Rapid City team is here for you to help guide you through the process and take over the restoration for you.

Our Initial Contact

During and immediately following a fire, prioritize making sure that your family is safe. Once you are sure that your loved ones are OK, it’s time to turn to us for help with the cleanup.

The first phone call you make to us will include many questions, just to ensure we fully understand the extent of the fire. This allows us to pack up the right gear and tools for your unique situation. Once the trucks are packed and a team is assembled, we are out the door and on our way to you.

The First Cleaning

Once we arrive, we do a full walkthrough to better understand your home’s layout and the damage. Next, we secure areas of your home that are vulnerable to further damage, like boarding up windows and doors or laying tarps over exposed areas.

Now that your home is secure, we start by removing all of the debris and giving your home a deep-clean to remove residual soot and smoke. This also includes removing fragile possessions to avoid damaging anything else in your home! After the surface damage has been cleaned up, we sanitize the entire area and use our odor-removing techniques to remove any lingering smoke smells from your carpets, furniture and walls.

The Restoration

Now comes the best part! Our restoration process involves full structural repairs to minor ones, and we can rebuild entire sections of your home, lay new carpet or hang new drywall for you.

We have the tools necessary for whatever your project requires, so you can rest easy knowing that when we are through, you would never know a fire tore through your home. Call us at SERVPRO of Rapid City! We are ready to help you recover today.

For rapid repairs following a fire, get in touch with our team at SERVPRO of Rapid City! We will work as quickly as possible to return you to a safe and fully restored property.

Keep Your Home Warm and Fire Safe This Winter | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

1/26/2023 (Permalink)

img src =”heater” alt = "a small electric heater in a living room” > Call SERVPRO of Rapid City if you experience any smoke, soot or fire damage.

We are in the throes of the winter season here in Rapid City! With the subzero temperatures and a few snowstorms under our belts already, we are all definitely relying on our home’s heat sources to stay warm every day. House fires are more common in winter because of our increased reliance on our furnaces and fireplaces.

It is possible to reduce your risk of experiencing a house fire this season, though! It just takes some extra cleaning and precautions, which we have laid out below.

Your Furnace Upkeep

The winter season is your furnace’s time to shine! Your furnace and HVAC system work hard every day to heat your home, but they are often overlooked when it comes to maintenance.

Inspect your furnace regularly for issues, and give it a good cleaning in and around the mechanisms to remove any dust or debris buildup.

If you haven’t already done so this season, change your furnace’s air filter! It is recommended that all air filters be replaced at least every 90 days, so the change in season is the perfect time to do it. If you have a larger family or you have pets in your home, try to swap out your filter even more often.

While this task is simple to do, it can actually help extend the lifespan of your HVAC system and can keep your air cleaner throughout your entire home.

Clean Out Your Fireplace

Having a fireplace can be such a luxury at this time of year! It is an efficient way to quickly heat up a space and can provide your home with a cozy feel. However, your fireplace needs to be cleaned and maintained as well to ensure your family’s safety.

If your fireplace is artificial, remove the glass and clean the logs and surrounding walls to remove dust and other debris. For wood-burning fireplaces, regularly remove leftover ashes and ensure that your chimney isn’t blocked or damaged. Finally, wipe down the bricks to remove soot buildup.

Portable Heat Sources

Space heaters can come in handy for small rooms or particularly chilly parts of your home. But it should be no surprise that they are fire hazards, too! Always keep your space heaters at least three feet away from flammable materials or furniture, and be sure to turn them off before going to sleep.

Before you turn yours on, plug it directly into a wall, not an extension cord. It should also be on a level surface to avoid it tipping over.

Whenever you turn on your space heater or utilize your fireplace, keep a close eye on your pets and children. Accidents can happen at any point and could leave you vulnerable to a widespread disaster!

If you experience fire damage this season, give us a call at SERVPRO of Rapid City for immediate assistance. We’re here 247 when you need us!

Protecting Your Home From Lightning Strikes | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

9/19/2022 (Permalink)

multiple lightning strikes off in distance of dark purple night sky If you are dealing with smoke or fire damage from a recent fire, call SERVPRO of Rapid City to learn about a restoration solution for your issue.

You do your best every day to prevent fires in your home by being attentive to any open flame, having working smoke detectors and having a fire extinguisher nearby. But what happens when Mother Nature sparks a fire from a lightning strike? Unfortunately, external fires are much harder to prevent and predict.

In fact, it is actually relatively common to suffer home damage due to a lightning strike. 2020 brought 70,000 damage claims due to lightning. It is definitely a possibility that you will experience a lightning-related fire at some point, so it is important to know how to react when you do.

What Is Lightning?

Lightning is the result of a giant spark of electricity that comes from an overcharged storm system. The spark travels from the clouds to the ground quickly and powerfully.

Lightning is most commonly associated with thunderstorms, but the phenomenon can also happen with forest fires, snowstorms and volcanic eruptions.

Protecting Your Home

Whenever lightning hits your home, it can start a fire either from the heat of the strike or a resulting electrical surge. If a fire starts, you may not notice right away if the fire starts in the attic or in your walls.

Thankfully, you will probably still be alerted by the sound. Lightning strikes are incredibly loud and can produce an immediate burning smell or scorch mark.

If you want to take some preventative measures against lightning, invest in a lightning rod. This is a metal pole that diverts energy away from the strike so your home doesn’t have to absorb all of the energy on its own.

Nearby Lightning Fire Risks

Lightning can contribute to wildfires relatively easily. An average of 9,000 fires are started each year by lightning! When lightning does spark a wildfire, it can start quickly because of the intense heat.

Do your best to keep your landscaping tidy and consider using defensible spaces around your home as a buffer against any flames. Also make sure that your smoke detectors are in good working order so you can react right away to any situation.

If you do discover a fire after a lightning strike, the most important first step is to call 911 and get out of the house. After the flames are out and you can re-enter your home, call us at SERVPRO of Rapid City to get your restoration process started. We will work tirelessly to complete your project and get you back into your home.

Have you experienced smoke or fire damage in your home? Call us today to get the restoration finished fast.

Backyard Fires & Fun This Summer | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

7/21/2022 (Permalink)

a close up view of a bright campfire burning at night If you have experienced fire or smoke damage, contact SERVPRO of Rapid City.

The summer months are sacred in the Midwest, and it is no different here in Rapid City. Spending quality time with family in your backyard enjoying bonfires, barbecues and s’mores can make for precious seasonal memories.

We utilize fire often with all kinds of summer activities. We light campfires, grill out for dinner and burn yard debris often—and we need a reliable fire for all of these things.

However, even if we are being responsible with our fire use, there is always the risk of sparking an unwanted fire. The National Park Service estimates that about 85% of wildfires are started by humans.

Armed with this knowledge, you should still be able to enjoy a responsible campfire at Canyon Lake Park, enjoy a summer barbecue or burn your leaf-drop in the fall. You just need to adopt some safe fire practices and you can continue the fun.

Recreational Fires and Their Risks

Whenever a fire is lit, there is always a certain amount of risk associated with it. When it comes to grills, bonfires and fireworks, that risk seems to grow exponentially. Ensuring that all of your equipment is in good shape and not cracked or broken can help reduce your risk, and be sure to always have someone responsible for the fire at all times.

If you have bonfires or campfires often, choose a location that is a safe distance away from buildings or vehicles, and only light your fires with matches or lighters. Avoid using gasoline as a starter or accelerant as that will only increase your risk of starting an uncontrollable blaze.

If you own one of those portable freestanding fire pits, they actually carry a similar risk as a bonfire pit. These pieces of equipment should never be lit on a wooden surface and should not be placed under an overhang or inside an enclosed space.

Once your fire is established, stick to only firewood as your fuel and move all of your furniture out of harm’s way to prevent it from accidentally catching fire.

If you are planning to celebrate anything this summer by lighting off fireworks, keep in mind that all fireworks are prohibited within city limits other than novelty fireworks like sparklers and party poppers.

Yards and Fire Risk

If you are considering burning your yard debris, check the National Weather Service website to see if our county is at a high fire risk or not. It is always important to follow all regulations, even if the risk is low.

Keeping your lawn clear and free of excess grass clippings and leaves actually reduces your risk of contributing fuel to a wildfire. Learn how to burn debris properly and be careful to follow all regulations.

If you are a frequent user of a lawn mower or other gas-using power equipment, chances are that you have a gas can in your garage. Improper storage of these cans is one of the most common reasons for house fires to start. Only use gas as fuel for your equipment, and avoid using it as any sort of fire accelerant.

If you take into consideration all of the suggestions above and decide to continue with your activity or project, do one final check on the weather conditions to make sure it will be safe. Any windy days or really dry conditions should warrant you to choose a different day.

If you do wind up with fire damage for any reason, call us at SERVPRO of Rapid City. We are ready to help you with your fire damage and we will work hard to get your home back to normal as quickly as we can.

Burn safely outdoors. And save some chocolate for us! If you have experienced fire or smoke damage, contact us today to get restoration started faster.

Preventing Home Fires Starts With You | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

6/7/2022 (Permalink)

fire interior view of a room with items completely destroyed by fire If your home is damaged in a house fire, SERVPRO of Rapid City is here to help. Contact us for any fire restoration need.

With the first few months of 2022 under our belts, the American Red Cross has already responded to more than 20,000 house fires. That number only represents a portion of the house fires that have actually occurred in the United States so far this year.

You can reduce the risk of death and total fire destruction most reliably by having fully functioning smoke detectors in your home. Once you have your smoke detector installed, you can also do a few other things around your home to help minimize the risk of a home fire.

Clear Out the Clutter

Minimizing the clutter in your home is beneficial not only to the function of your home, but it can also reduce the amount of fuel a home fire can consume. Keeping common areas clear of unnecessary things and excess belongings can help deter a potential home fire from growing more quickly and intensely.

Keep your water heater clear of any piles of clothing or bulky items. Having flammable things in too close of a proximity to your water heater is actually a fire hazard.

Overloaded extension cords also contribute to a large amount of home fires. Rather than keeping all of your appliances and electronics constantly plugged in, plug them in only when they are in use and remove them when you are finished.

Watch for Outdoor Fire Hazards

Fire hazards can occur outside your home as well. Did you leave any yard debris left over from the fall season?

Spruce needles and other conifer tree needles are highly flammable, so don’t let them pile up in your yard or near any outdoor units like your air conditioner unit. Clear them out seasonally so they don’t pose a fire hazard.

Use Defensible Spaces In Landscaping

The way in which you plant your trees and landscape around your yard can actually help slow fire growth around your home. Planted strategically, they can create barriers between the fire and your home, giving your local fire department valuable time to get to you before the fire breaches your walls.

States in the West like California have actually imposed defensible zone requirements when landscaping or planting new vegetation because of their proven effectiveness. Even though we don’t live on the coast, we can still adopt some of these practices here in Rapid City.

Cleaning Can Save

One of the easiest ways to help in the fight against home fires is to stay on top of your house cleaning. Even a simple, consistent dusting of the commonly forgotten spaces in your home (laundry room, on top of furnaces and water heaters) can be very helpful in reducing the fire risks in your home.

Give your stove and chimney some cleaning attention every season, too! Spaces like these that come into contact with consistent and high heat can be the catalyst for a home fire, so don’t leave it to chance.

The more you do in preventive care, the greater chance you give yourself to ward off a potential fire disaster.

If you have experienced fire damage or want to learn more about our fire damage restoration services, contact us today. We’re here to act fast, 247.

Smoke stains: when you need a professional

5/2/2022 (Permalink)

a living room with smoke stains Call our techs at SERVPRO today!

Smoke stinks in more way than one. The odors aren’t just gross, they can cause dangerous health problems. From a smoky kitchen to a full-on fire, your home can become subject to smoke stains. Not only can smoke weaken the structure of your home, but it can also damage your lungs. Here's what you should look out for in regards to smoke stains in your home.

The Cleaning Process

Smoke damage cleaning is an extensive process. When a fire breaks out, many chemical reactions occur. Each and every material in your home reacts differently when in flames; hence, they produce different types of smoke.

There are two common types of smoke. Dry smoke results from burning wood. It leaves grey, dry, powdery soot behind that is far easier to clean than wet smoke. Wet smoke is black in color and leaves a thick, oily residue that can easily smear during clean-up. You will need professional assistance when dealing with both dry and wet smoke, as both pose potential health risks.

Professional fire restoration begins with removing visible soot. Chemical treatments are then used to clean and remove any non-visible residue. Cleaning walls and ceilings can be difficult, or impossible, for homeowners to do on their own—always hire a professional.

What You Can Do?

After a fire, there are ways you can restore some items yourself! When cleaning affected clothing after a home fire, be mindful of the potential health risks. You absolutely can DIY this; however, use safety goggles, protective gloves, and a breathing mask before you attempt to clean anything that has been damaged by smoke.

Use a vacuum hose to remove soot from clothing and fabric-covered furniture. Make sure you hold the hose slightly away from whatever you are cleaning to avoid smearing or smushing the soot further. Once the soot is removed, the odor needs to be eliminated.

Smoke odor can be masked, but this is only a temporary solution. Surprisingly, a dry cleaner is not the best option here. In this case, you are actually the best person for the job! Studies have shown that dry cleaning is less effective than at-home cleaning when it comes to restoring color and eliminating odors from your clothing. Four to five cycles in your washing machine, with warm water and liquid detergent, should mostly restore clothing if soot is completely removed first.

Smoke damage to your home can be dangerous to your health and the structure of your property. If your home has smoke stains, call SERVPRO of Rapid City, at (605) 388-3000.

Providing The Best Care For Your Contents

4/7/2022 (Permalink)

a person wiping down a wall after a fire SERVPRO provides contents restoration after fire damage has taken place on your property.

When it comes to dealing with your home, SERVPRO of Rapid City takes the utmost care of your personal belongings and keepsakes, especially when a devastating event such as a fire has taken place. Our SERVPRO technicians are equipped with the tools and equipment to safely clean the smoke and soot from your affected belongings as well as drying out the moisture from the water used to extinguish any flames or hot spots.

Contents Restoration

SERVPRO aims to help you save money by restoring your belongings rather than replacing them, which can get rather costly. Through our processes, we determine which items we can restore to its previous conditions. We make sure to take the best care of your items as we know your prized possessions and keepsakes hold sentimental value to you and yours.

The 4 Major Components of Fire & Why It Matters | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

2/7/2022 (Permalink)

paper.jpg” alt = “a small paper house burning If your home or business has any damage, SERVPRO of Rapid City is ready around the clock to help you recover.

Pop quiz: What is a tetrahedron? Don’t worry, you can use Google! It’s a three-dimensional, triangular shape with four equal sides.

You may be wondering what we are getting at. Surprisingly, it has to do with fire safety.

A fire needs four components, which are known as the fire tetrahedron.. Without these elements working together, a fire can’t start.

The 4 Things a Fire Needs to Live

Fuel. This has to be something that can be burned. Things like woods, plastics or fibers are all perfect fuel sources for fire.

Heat. The amount of heat needed will vary for each item, but every object has a threshold at which point it will either ignite or melt.

Oxygen. Fires need oxygen to produce an expanding series of chemical reactions. For easier understanding, oxygen feeds a fire so it can grow, generating products of combustion (like smoke and carbon monoxide) in the process.

Chemical Chain Reaction. Like we mentioned above, oxygen produces a chemical reaction, and that cycle is what feeds a fire and produces a chain reaction. This will keep the fire burning as long as this chain reaction isn’t disturbed.

The 4 Ways to Stop a Fire

Cool it. When trying to put a fire out, you have to find a way to exhaust the heat. You can do this by dousing it with water until combustion is no longer possible. Because of high heat, water can sometimes evaporate or boil, so a good bit may be needed to put the fire out.

Smother it. Just like anything in life, in order to live, fire has to have oxygen. If you smother a fire, you are starving it from the oxygen it needs to keep going.

Starve it. Fires will continue to burn as long as they have adequate fuel. The best thing you can do is to remove any source of fuel from a fire’s paths in order to help starve it to death.

Interrupt the chain reaction. There are chemical agents that can effectively disrupt the chain and put a stop to a fire, like halon. Halon is very effective for this purpose, but it has an elevated potential for ozone depletion, which makes it an environmental threat.

If the fire tetrahedron makes a wreck of your home or business, we’re ready around the clock to help you recover. Contact SERVPRO anytime for fast, thorough cleanup and recovery after a fire.

When It Comes to Restoration Services, You Simply Can’t Wait | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

12/20/2021 (Permalink)

fire.jpg” alt = “a small interior room showing extensive damage from a recent fire If a fire issue pops up during the holidays, remember the trusted leader in the recovery industry, SERVPRO of Rapid City.

When it comes to family or friends, we all try to make plans or fit them in our schedule. However, sometimes life doesn’t work out that easily and things or events don’t always fit our schedule. Things like disasters or accidents affecting your home or business.

These will never fit into anyone’s calendar because it’s a headache that no one wants to deal with! At SERVPRO, we know that disasters don’t fit into anyone’s plans, and that is why we are here for you all day, every day.

When it comes to restoration, acting quickly and efficiently is essential—and that’s exactly what we will do!

After a fire. Once the flames have been put out, the real work is only beginning. Between the sticky, powdery substance known as soot and the smell of charred wood, the cleanup process is only getting started.

These things not only embed themselves into the fabrics of your home, but they also get absorbed by the walls or wood beams that are still standing. That makes these fire effects an extremely difficult thing to get rid of.

One other fire damage byproduct you might not have thought of? Water damage! Yes, you read that right. When a fire is extinguished, large amounts of water are usually involved.

After water damage. Water damage also requires quick action. Any amount to standing water or even moisture can make matters worse.

In only 48 hours or less, water can cause mold growth and can also seep into boards, causing damage to the structure of your home or business.

The quicker you respond to a disaster situation, the better! You can have more damages occur the longer you take, and we understand that to the fullest.

That’s why we are here to back and help you restore your home or business. No matter the type or the size of the disaster, we can be there quickly.

When you need help after a home or business disaster, fast service is a priority, and there’s nobody faster or more prepared than SERVPRO. Call us anytime to take advantage of our 24-hour emergency service.

Regardless of the cause, SERVPRO of Rapid City are here for you if your home is affected by fire.

12/2/2021 (Permalink)

a firefighter battling a fire with a water hose in hand Do You Know What Causes House Fires? | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

Could you imagine pulling up to your home and seeing it surrounded by flames? It’s inconceivable. incomprehensible.

We all would go to great lengths to help prevent this from happening, but despite an increased awareness about fire safety in the last decade, more than a quarter of all reported fires still occur in the home.

Let’s review some of the top causes of house fires. By keeping these in mind, you can be aware and help reduce the risk of fire.

Cooking. Did you know that almost half of all house fires begin in the kitchen? The most common reason is unattended cooking. Make it a rule: Don’t leave the kitchen for any reason while using the stove or oven.

Heating equipment. As cooler weather enters the scene, it’s important to realize that 14% of all house fires start because of heating equipment of some sort. Portable space heaters are the main culprit. They can be placed too close to something flammable without you even realizing it.

Electrical fires. Another major cause of house fires comes from electrical malfunctions and mishaps. These are most common in older houses, which don’t have the same safety measures in place as newer ones. If you live in an older home, have the electrical system inspected regularly.

Intentional fires. Sadly, there are more than 28,000 intentional home fires started every year. By “intentionally set,” we mean fires begun purposefully with destruction in mind, as opposed to fires set for other purposes that got out of hand.

Smoking materials. Even though smoking materials are only responsible for 5% of house fires, they are the leading cause of civilian deaths. These deaths often happen because people fall asleep while smoking.

Regardless of the cause, SERVPRO is here for you if your home is affected by fire. Contact your local team today to see how we can help.

Fire Safety During the Warmer Weather

6/7/2021 (Permalink)

flames and smoke from a bonfire Restoring fire and smoke damage is one of our specialties. Contact SERVPRO of Rapid City to learn more.

Rainy, cold and dreary weather is finally gone, and the warmer months are here for a while! Thinking about warmer weather can be exciting, but it’s also a time to think about fire safety for your home or business.

Did you know that spring sees more daily fires on average than any other time of year? It’s true, but there are steps you can take to lower your risk.

Here are some common fire threats and ways to protect yourself:

The grill. Almost 9,000 fires a year are related to grilling accidents. They create the perfect combination of flames, heat, grease and gas, which can make things escalate quickly. Make sure you are taking care of the essentials to help prevent a fire. Verify that the grill is in good working condition, have it placed at least three feet away from everything and clean it before each use. Cleaning the grill before each use is critical because [almost 20% of grill fires are due to poor cleaning]. (

Fire pits. Campfire accidents spike as soon as summer rolls around. Usually burns account for three out of four camping injuries in children younger than 16. So, never leave your children unattended near a fire pit. It’s also a good idea to keep a bucket of water or drag a water hose close to the pit. You should never add leaves or pine needles to the fire, and finally, put the fire out slowly to avoid scattering embers.

Chimneys and dryer vents. Warmer months are the perfect time to do your annual chimney inspection. Having your chimney inspected and cleaned helps avoid a potentially dangerous buildup of ashes. Another yearly maintenance service to consider is having your dryer vent pipe cleaned out. Lint, even if you clean the filter in the dryer every time, can build up quickly in the pipes.

At SERVPRO, we have technicians on hand 247! These technicians are ready and waiting, no matter the cause of fire, to help you have it cleaned up. Contact SERVPRO of Rapid City today to talk with a specialist.

Does your home have the right fire Extinguisher

3/25/2021 (Permalink)

Home fire safety should start with a working smoke detector and a fire safety plan. If you already have those in your home, though, you may consider a fire extinguisher as the next step in fire preparedness.

A fire extinguisher works to put out a small fire by removing one of the three components of the fire triangle: heat, oxygen, and fuel. The most common fire extinguisher removes oxygen from a fire by smothering it in a dry chemical foam. In a way, it’s a high-powered version of pouring baking soda on a grease fire, which makes it particularly relevant in the kitchen.

But if you’re going to invest in a fire extinguisher to help protect your home and family—which luckily isn’t a huge investment, with most home units coming in between $10 and $40—you don’t want a one-hit wonder. The National Fire Protection Association recommends a multipurpose extinguisher, which works to suppress fires from ‘ordinary combustibles,’ grease fires, and electrical fires. On the market, this translates to a fire extinguisher that is ABC rated, such as a unit with a 3A:40-B:C rating, or the slightly smaller 2A:10-B:C rating. Units with these ratings can be found at almost any home improvement store.

Once again, having a working smoke detector in each room of your home should be your priority in home fire preparedness. Two-thirds of home fire deaths occur in homes without working smoke alarms. The U.S. Fire Administration recommends checking the batteries in your smoke detector once a month, changing them at least once a year, and replacing the unit altogether once it is 10 years old. Once you’re confident with this routine, you can consider adding a fire extinguisher to your home arsenal!

Fire is Not the Only Destructive force After a Fire

3/24/2021 (Permalink)

When a fire happens in your home or place of business, it's not always a total loss, but the mess that is left behind from the smoke/soot and putting out of the fire itself can make it seem like a total loss! Smoke gets into everything in your home/business and the odor that is left behind is awful. 

Smoke affects various materials in different ways. The temperature and type of fire can cause different forms of smoke that will damage your home in different ways. Smoke is actually made of small particles of the fire itself and is a toxic hot speck that damages the surfaces as it lands on it.

Not all fires are big fires, and not all smoke damage is caused by a direct fire. In fact, it's the fires that we don't think that much about, like smoke from a fire outside that sneaks into your home. This type of smoke damage can go unnoticed for a long time, all the while damaging the surface that it's on as well as leaving behind a lingering odor.

You may find yourself wanting to brave the mess yourself, BUT it's not always the safest for you to do on your own. If you have suffered a fire, chances are that the conditions are unsafe. The structure may be falling apart and the smoke damage combined with the water is very slippery.

Odds are that if a fire has occurred, there will be a need to secure the area and clean up the debris before a decision can be rendered on its safety.

Thankfully, SERVPRO of Rapid City can help with this. We have the equipment and experience to secure your home and get it ready for restoration.

Every fire presents its own set of circumstances and poses its own set of problems. A good process that is followed is:

  • Emergency Contact (When you first call us).
  • Inspection and Fire Damage Assessment.
  • Immediate Board-Up and Roof Tarp Service (if needed)
  • Water Removal and Drying (if water damage is present)
  • Removal of Smoke and Soot from All Surfaces.
  • Cleaning and Repair
  • Restoration

Odor elimination is a big part of the restoration process as well. SERVPRO technicians are IICRC certified in odor removal.

Some odor removal basics are as follows

  • Remove the source of the odor, i.e. burnt wood and building materials safely
  • Cleanup begins and the deodorization begins. Smoke and soot residues can deposit on and even penetrate the various surfaces such as walls and ceilings. SERVPRO technicians clean
    different surfaces depending on the type of surface and residue deposited on it.
  • Sealing if needed. Generally, sealing is not needed. But if the damage is extensive and the removal of the source is too expensive or impractical, it is the recommended option.

If you believe that you have unchecked smoke damage or have lingering odors, give us a call today at (605) 388-3000 and we'll gladly come and serve you or your business.

Is Your Dryer Safe?

3/23/2021 (Permalink)

A dryer seems like a convenient, safe appliance that lets you forget it and go. If you don’t maintain it properly, a lint fire can happen, which can cause sever fire damage to your home.

A Surprising Amount of Lint

Depending on your family size and how often you go through clothes, it is likely that you do a lot more laundry than you realize. An average family does approximately eight to 10 loads a week. Every load means small fabric, dust and dirt particles are collecting in your dryer’s lint trap, vent and duct work. Lint is highly flammable, making it vital to maintain cleanliness.

Cleaning Out the Lint

Instead of dealing with a potential dryer fire and needing expert help in repairing the damage, good habits can go a long way. Lint traps should be cleaned after very load. Most dryers make this easy. The trap usually slides out and the lint can be lifted off. Any lint that is leftover should be removed with a brush. Every few weeks, the screen should be rinsed with water. While the screen is out, vacuum in and around its entry point. Approximately once a year, unplug the dryer and inspect the vent and hose or pipe connected to the dryer. Wipe lint off the opening and clean any leftover in the hose or pipe. A brush can bused to clean the interior of the vent. Don’t forget the exterior vent. Ensure the vent flap is still attached and working properly. Vacuum or wipe out the opening. This should be done a few times a year.

Extra Safety Tips

To further avoid a lint fire, ensure your dryer is properly installed. Additionally, avoid drying clothes stained with chemicals, gas, oil or cleaning products, and only operate the dryer while at home. In most cases, a lint fire happens because of improper cleaning and maintenance. Taking a little extra to be safe is worth it.

Are You Ready For Fire Damage

3/10/2021 (Permalink)

Did you know that fire is the most common cause of property damage? The key to protecting your business is your employees having education on fire safety and protocol. Here are a few fire prevention tips!

  1. Clean your space- Keep your workplace clean and everything put away. Keep electrical appliances away from the fuel such as paper and cardboard.
  2. Maintain your fire extinguishers- Check with your local fire department to ensure your extinguisher is up to code. You should also educate employees on how to use the extinguisher.
  3. Install fire sprinklers or suppression system- all businesses have a fire alarm system, but you should also consider installing a sprinkler system.
  4. Maintain Outdoor Spaces- if your business is in a dry or forested area take time to ensure you keep brush and trees from growing against the building.
  5. Have Exit Strategy - Always have an emergency plan and make sure your employees are aware of this plan, include things like maps to exits as well as well-lit exit signs
  6. Clean and Inspect all equipment- Faulty equipment is a common cause of fires. Make sure machines are in proper working order and turn them off when not in use.

Taking these simple steps can help prevent fires ruining what you have worked so hard for. If you would like help developing a plan, please contact SERVPRO of Rapid City to help you put together an Emergency Readiness Plan.

Rapid City Residents Can Count on Us to Repair Fire Damage l SERVPRO® of Rapid City

12/18/2020 (Permalink)

firefighter with water hose trying to put out large flames engulfing brick home If you have fire damage due to a heating malfunction or other issue, count on SERVPRO of Rapid City to fully restore your home.

If you’re a homeowner here in Rapid City, there’s a team of local experts who can help you and your family if your home suffers fire damage. We’re prepared to work with you to remediate and repair in the aftermath of a fire.

Millions of house fires happen every year in the United States—something many homeowners will deal with over the next year. And that number likely includes members of the community here.

Why Winter Is a Riskier Season

Fires happen more often during the colder winter months—especially in places like South Dakota, where residents may need to use furnaces, space heaters and more to heat their homes.

Christmas tree accidents cause numerous fires every year.

Space heaters without automatic shutoff functions can topple over. Malfunctioning furnaces and mishaps with appliances happen sometimes.

How SERVPRO Is Different

Want to know why so many families trust us in Rapid City? Here’s how we’re different:

We have a restoration-first mentality. Our team helps families recover from a fire in a way that’s both logical and economical. Experts are there at every step. We’ll help you save money on repairs and insurance premiums.

We can help with all the restoration issues you’ll face. House fires can damage upholstery, walls and more. Issues resulting from water and smoke are common problems, too. We have the tools and resources to remediate these issues. We’ll make the damage like it never happened.

We’re here at any time. Beginning the restoration process quickly is an important step in getting your home back to its original state. When it’s an emergency, we’re available 247. We make sure our team is here when it matters most.

We are locally owned. SERVPRO locations are everywhere—all across the United States. This location is locally owned. It’s staffed by team members who live in Rapid City. But since we are a SERVPRO location, we can use the resources, equipment and training you would find at a leading-edge company. We use them here in our community.

If you have fire damage in your home due to a kitchen, heating or other fire, you can count on us for restoration assistance. Our team is always ready to meet your needs and help you restore your home. Contact us at any time to learn more about restoration services near me.

Fire Prevention - Fire Clean up Near Me

12/14/2020 (Permalink)

Sign saying "Be Prepared" - Fire cleanup near me Fire cleanup near me

"It’s always good to find out you’re going to be working from home…

Unless you’re a firefighter."

According to the National Fire Protection Association (, in 2015, there were 500,000+ structure fires causing $10+ billion in property damage! Structure fires were reported every 63 seconds!

Here are a few tips to prevent a fire at your Federal Way home or property, provided by the American Red Cross (

  • Keep items that can catch on fire at least three feet away from anything that gets hot, such as space heaters.
  • Talk to children regularly about the dangers of fire, matches and lighters and keep them out of reach.
  • Turn portable heaters off when you leave the room or go to sleep.
  • Install smoke alarms on every level of your home and outside every sleeping area. Also, install a carbon monoxide alarm in a central location outside each separate sleeping area.
  • Check electrical wiring in your home.
  • Avoid overloading outlets or extension cords.
  • Make sure wiring is not under rugs, attached by nails, or in high traffic areas.

Have you checked your home or property for fire hazards recently? Have you had conversations with your family about what you would do in a fire emergency? What is your plan if a fire impacts your home?

SERVPRO of Rapid City specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire or smoke damage event and can help you get back on track after an incident.

How to Keep Your Home Safe From Fire Damage This Holiday Season | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

11/12/2020 (Permalink)

a man with blue shirt opening oven filled with smoke Our team is available to 24/7 when you have a fire emergency. SERVPRO of Rapid City is here to help.

The holidays may feel unusual this year, but despite everything, many Americans are still planning family-style meals and looking forward to stringing lights and garland to brighten up their homes.

As you’re making plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas, don’t let fire safety slip your mind. Even if you’re hosting smaller events, it’s still a good idea to plan them with these tips in mind.

Thanksgiving Fire Safety

According to a leading insurance provider, 47% of all home fires start while cooking.

These tips from the National Fire Protection Association will help you keep your kitchen safer this holiday season and beyond.

Watch your stove and oven. We’re all tempted to let pots simmer and turkeys roast while we chat with guests or catch a game. But these appliances can start fires if they’re not regularly monitored. So don’t leave your dishes unattended for too long. You’ll serve a tastier meal— and be better prepared to prevent issues that can become kitchen fires.

Keep an eye on any burning candles. Lots of people love the warm, pumpkin-scented candles that have recently become synonymous with fall. If you want to light them during your Thanksgiving party (or any other time of the year), place them somewhere young children can’t grab them or knock them over. Be sure you blow them out when you’re not at home, too.

Check your cords and appliances. Your kitchen works overtime to prepare for Thanksgiving. Place appliance cords in places that don’t pose a tripping hazard to children darting into the kitchen or busy cooks. These appliances can start fires if they’re pulled off the counter or malfunction.

Keep Safety in Mind This Christmas

When it’s time to decorate your home, be sure you keep fire safety at the top of mind when you’re stringing lights and putting up your tree. By just being mindful of how you place your decorations and watching your kitchen for possible fire risks, you can go a long way toward protecting your home and family.

Stay vigilant in the kitchen. Many families enjoy a large meal at both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Be sure to keep an eye on dishes you’re simmering on the stove and appliances you have out on the counter.

Keep your Christmas tree away from heat. As a general rule, you’ll want to be sure your tree is several feet away from fireplaces (wood-burning or gas), vents and space heaters.

Turn the lights off when you leave. While twinkling lights make your home look welcoming at night, leaving them on when you’re not home can raise your house fire risk.

We’re Here to Help

Even the most diligent homeowners can sometimes have an accident or an unforeseen circumstance regarding a house fire. If it happens to your home, we’re available any time day or night to help you start repairing the damage and restoring your home.

Our team is available to help 247 when you have a fire emergency, so don’t hesitate to call us if you need us.

Tips to Keep Your Home Safe from Fire This Fall | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

9/23/2020 (Permalink)

a handful of logs burning in a hot fireplace If you experience any property damage due to a fire, we are here for you. Contact SERVPRO of Rapid City to learn more.

Are you ready for fall? Many people look forward to changing leaves, cooler days and fall sports like football. They also enjoy traditional fall activities like Halloween parties and visiting pumpkin patches or apple orchards.

But did you know that fall carries the highest risk for house fires to start? According to the American Red Cross, statistically most house fires happen in the fall and winter months.

Luckily there are steps you can take to lower your risk of a fire starting in your home. The first one is actually very simple. Just check the batteries in your home’s smoke detectors.

Working smoke detectors help keep your home and family safe. Experts recommend having a smoke detector in every bedroom.

If you have issues remembering when you need to change your smoke detector batteries, a good rule of thumb is to switch them every spring and fall when you change your clocks.

Don’t Forget Basic Fire Safety

Do you enjoy a big, happy bonfire with family and friends? If you do, you aren’t alone.

Bonfires are one of the most popular American fall activities. (And they’re a great way to make s’mores.) But if they aren’t properly attended, they can turn a fun night out into an accident waiting to happen.

Supervising a bonfire safely really comes down to keeping an eye on the fire. Don’t leave a fire burning by itself in your yard. If you’re done for the night, be sure to put out your bonfire so it doesn’t cause any unintended damage.

If there’s a fireplace in your home, then using it becomes more tempting on chilly fall nights. Before you light your first fire this fall, have a professional check out your chimney and fireplace to be sure it’s safe.

You don’t want to light a fire in a fireplace when the chimney is clogged or damaged. Having them check the condition of your home’s other heating units (like your furnace) can also help prevent fires caused by maintenance problems.

We’re Here if You Need Us

If an accident happens at your home this fall and you need help restoring fire or smoke damage, you don’t have to look far.

Our team is always ready to help you if a fire damages your home. Local experts can guide you through the fire restoration process and help get your home back in top shape.

We’re here to talk with you 247 if you need to learn more about our fire restoration process.

Starting Your Fire Escape Procedures for Your Business | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

7/6/2020 (Permalink)

img src =”housefire.jpg” alt = “red fire alarm hanging on gray concrete wall ” If your business experiences any fire damage, you can count on us. SERVPRO of Rapid City specializes in commercial fire restoration.

Business owners are no stranger to the necessity of planning ahead for changes to the market, but have you considered how a fire could change your plans? Commercial fires impact many businesses every month, and generally, those that are better prepared have an easier time recovering.

Deciding where to start for your fire safety plans may feel overwhelming, but we always recommend starting with setting up a plan for regular fire evacuation drills with your employees. This will keep everyone safer if a fire were to start and create a comprehensive procedure that everyone will know to follow to quickly and calmly get to safety.

Starting on Your Business’ Fire Safety Plans

Consult with your local fire officials. There are many resources available to you to determine exactly where you can improve your fire safety efforts, including your own local fire station. You can often schedule a visit from them so they can assess your current situation and make personalized recommendations on where to improve and what routes to designate for escape.

Communicate and mark fire evacuation routes. Once you have consulted with your local fire officials regarding your evacuation routes, map them out and communicate them clearly to your staff in advance of the first drill. Giving everyone ample time to prepare will make the drill go much more smoothly and prevent any unnecessary panic from an unprepared staff.

Have fire drills frequently. Your needs will certainly vary regarding how frequently you should make time for drills, but it is better to err on the side of doing them too frequently rather than not doing them enough. You do not want to do them so often that people do not take them seriously, but they should happen regularly enough to stay recent in people’s minds.

Run different fire scenarios. There are so many potential fire starters in any building, so it is impossible to predict exactly where a fire will originate. Make your fire evacuation plans dynamic enough to reflect this by changing up which exits and routes are available so your staff can be accustomed to evacuating in a variety of ways.

If your business has experienced fire damage, you can count on us. We specialize in commercial fire restoration and will be here for you at any hour—contact us today.

Have a Plan for Recovering From a House Fire | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

6/9/2020 (Permalink)

< img src =”housefire.jpg” alt = “woman with hands covering face upset with burnt house in background ” > If your home is damaged in a house fire, SERVPRO of Rapid City is here to help. Contact us for any fire restoration needs.

Having a plan for the moment a house fire starts is one of the best things you can do to boost your household’s safety. Getting everyone out of the house and calling for help in an organized manner is key, but it is also important to know what happens once the flames are extinguished.

Navigating the aftermath of a house fire is a complicated process, but with these helpful tips, you can make sure you are taking care of all the necessary considerations.

Navigating the Aftermath of a House Fire

Prepare yourself for what to expect. While it is impossible to predict the exact extent of your household’s damage before you go inside, being mentally prepared can help lessen the associated shock. Fire damage can often look more severe than people are expecting, so understanding how the charring, soot and smoke damage might appear can be helpful.

Wait to enter your home. Though many people will want to rush to re-enter the home and get started on their recovery process as quickly as possible, you should never do this without a green light from officials. Fires can compromise the structure of the home and make it quite hazardous, so it is important to prioritize staying safe above all else during recovery.

Contact your insurance company. Filing a fire damage claim will vary based on your policy provider, so getting in touch with them early on is a great way to make sure you are taking the right steps to get the most out of your claim.

Document the damages. Photos and a detailed inventory list are often requested by your insurance company anyway, but even if they are not, we recommend keeping track of the damages in an organized way. This will prevent you from accidentally forgetting about items that have been impacted by the fire and will come in handy as you work to recover.

Contact your restoration company. The emotional repercussions of a house fire can be difficult to deal with, which is why we always recommend prioritizing using the best restoration company you can. Trusting the company you work with will be vital in your peace of mind throughout the process and can help you return to your home as quickly as possible.

If your home is damaged in a house fire, you can count on us to help you. Get in touch at any hour for a quick response.

Are you ready for disaster?

4/3/2020 (Permalink)

House on fire Make sure your ready for all everything!

Have You Planned?

Preparing Your Home for an Emergency

Have you ever stopped to wonder what it is like for those who have suffered the loss of everything they own and love in a home fire? Have you ever wondered what it would be like if it were you?

If you have stopped to think about the impact a fire or other related emergency could have on you and your family, then you’re a step ahead! If not, it is time to start emergency planning now because the best thing you can be in the event of an emergency is, ready.

It is important to keep in mind every second counts and having a plan in place could mean the difference between life and death.

Here are some tips to help properly prepare:

  1. Plan and practice your emergency escape route
  2. Locate all known and potential exits from your home
  3. Purchase a home fire extinguisher and store it in a safe, easy-to-locate place
  4. Install and properly maintain a smoke detector
  5. Ask your local fire department to inspect your home for fire safety

In addition to the steps mentioned above, SERVPRO offers an Emergency Ready Profile for your home or business. This profile contains all important information such as water and gas shut off locations and key contacts in one convenient location.

If you are interested in getting your home or business ready for a possible emergency, call us today! (605) 388-3000

We Strive to Restore your Life to the way it was.

4/2/2020 (Permalink)

picture of a person helping a person up a hill and a quote from the Dalia Lama "our prime purpose in life is to help others" We are here to SERV

What happens when your smoke detector goes off in the middle of the night? Well, for most of us, we get up, grab the kids and pets, and then evacuate. At that moment, we aren't thinking about our things, the memories saved in the pictures on your wall. At that moment, all we can think about is getting our family out safely.

Then the shock sets in. You are watching your home burn, and it hits you, the realization of what is happening, and you start to think of everything you had to leave inside. The fire department shows up, puts out the fire, the house is boarded up and you either must stay with a friend, family member or in a hotel.

The next day you arrive on-site with a restoration team. Feeling a little hopeless as you go through your home seeing the destruction from the fire, not knowing there is still hope. The restoration company is telling you how they can save that old chest your grandmother passed down, or they can restore the pictures on the wall.

Here at SERVPRO of Rapid City, we are here to walk with you through those times. We can help pack up the house, taking special care that nothing else gets damaged before we start restoring your home to what it was before the fire. We have special equipment to help remove the smell of smoke from the undamaged parts of the house while we work diligently to give you back your home. And when that day comes, we will greet with smiles as we say Welcome Home.

Lowering Your Fire Risk as a Business Owner | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

2/24/2020 (Permalink)

a green exit sign surrounded by flames If your business has experienced a fire, call SERVPRO of Rapid City. We provide a full service from mitigation to restoration.

It is crucial that business owners be honest with themselves about the risks their livelihood faces, including emergency situations. Commercial fires are one of the most common emergencies that business owners will face and they can be extremely devastating, especially for those who are not prepared. By understanding your risk profile and knowing how your efforts can reduce the dangers you face, you can help protect your business and staff.

For an easy way to reference fire safety tips, we have compiled a list of the top tips for fire safety from a business owner’s perspective. By reviewing this list and implementing the recommendations, you can do wonders for your fire safety efforts.

The Main Fire Safety Tips for Businesses

Follow code guidelines and inspection schedules. Being aware of fire safety guidelines for businesses is always the first thing to do when assessing your preparedness levels. The National Fire Protection Association puts together information regarding equipment inspection, exit routes and other must-know information for businesses to take note of.

Identify your specific risks. No two businesses carry the same fire safety risks because of the different hazards that can be present. Understanding your specific situational risks, such as equipment or supplies that might make a fire more likely to occur, can help you take precautions based on your unique situation.

Create (and practice) a fire evacuation plan. Preparing your employees for a fire is the ideal way to make sure everyone stays calm and safe when the alarm sounds. Hosting regular office evacuation drills and debriefing with everyone as a group afterward can help staff feel more assured in their own preparedness levels and limit your liability.

Have regular fire safety seminars with staff. Helping your staff review the general fire safety guidelines of your building is a great supplement to regular fire drills. The location of fire alarms and extinguishers, as well as any special protocols, is useful knowledge that can help everyone who works in the building feel more prepared.

If your business has experienced a fire, we’re here 247 to respond and begin restoration. Call us today to learn how we can help you.

How to Increase Your Efforts in Fire Safety | SERVPRO® of Rapid City

1/21/2020 (Permalink)

a person laying another wood log into hot burning fireplace A house fire can occur when you least expect it. SERVPRO of Rapid City is on call 24/7 and will guide you through any fire restoration project.

Considering that a fire might occur in your home can be scary, but it is an important thing to think about. Fires can cause severe damage to the home, but thankfully, putting proper fire safety measures in place can limit the likelihood of one occurring as well as the damages if it does.

There are many resources circulating online with fire safety materials, but it can often be a challenge to find everything in one place. That is why we have provided an overview of all the most important tips to keep in mind to increase your household fire safety.

Tips for Increasing Household Fire Safety Efforts

Frequently Check Smoke Detectors. Having smoke detectors installed in the house and making sure they are properly maintained is the top way to reduce the risk of fire-related injury and lessen the damage that occurs to the home. Test them every 30 days to be sure the batteries are still charged.

Have a Fire Escape Plan. Putting a plan in place for how your family will escape when a fire starts and rehearsing it regularly will help everyone know exactly how to keep themselves safe in a fire. Make sure each room has two exits and that you have a designated meeting place away from the home.

Know How to Operate a Fire Extinguisher. Purchasing a fire extinguisher and learning how it operates can make the difference between a disastrous house fire and a small incident of flames. Store it according to manufacturer’s directions in a place that is easily accessible to everyone.

Never Leave Flames Unattended. Small flames are everywhere—lit candles, cook tops and even fireplaces may seem harmless because of how frequently they are used. However, any flame has the potential to get out of hand, so they should never be left unattended under any circumstances.

Keep a Closed-Door Policy. Nighttime house fires are some of the most alarming because of their high fatality rates. The best thing to do to protect your family is making sure everyone sleeps with a shut door. This can slow the spread of smoke and flames exponentially, adding precious seconds on to everyone’s time allotted to escape.

If you’d like to learn more about protecting yourself from a house fire and how our restoration services can help you recover, get in touch today to learn more.

What happens if you have even a small fire in your house?

11/1/2019 (Permalink)

Home with roof on fire with a stream of water putting it out Fireplace season is nearly upon us!

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action. 

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Rapid City will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises, therefore, smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored to the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – 605-388-3000

SERVPRO of Rapid City Smoke and Soot Cleanup

9/15/2017 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action. 

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Rapid City will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises, therefore, smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored to the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – 605-388-3000