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Facebook RSS Navigating the Threat of Summer Tornadoes | SERVPRO of Rapid City

7/15/2024 (Permalink)

dark gray cloudy background with torrential downpour rain overlay When storms strike, call SERVPRO of Rapid City to restore your property to preloss condition faster!

While summer often evokes images of sunny days and outdoor adventures, it also brings with it the potential for severe weather, including tornadoes. These powerful and unpredictable storms can strike suddenly, causing widespread devastation and posing significant risks to both life and property.

Understanding the dangers associated with tornadoes during summer is crucial for preparedness and safety.

The Unpredictable Nature of Tornadoes

Tornadoes are characterized by their rapid rotation of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground, forming a funnel-shaped cloud. They can develop swiftly and move across the landscape at high speeds, making them challenging to predict and providing residents with minimal time to seek shelter.

During summer in Rapid City, the atmospheric conditions conducive to tornado formation—such as warm, moist air colliding with cooler, drier air—are prevalent, increasing the likelihood of tornado outbreaks.

Devastating Impact on Communities

The impact of a tornado can be catastrophic. Winds exceeding 200 miles per hour can demolish buildings, uproot trees, and turn debris into dangerous projectiles. Entire neighborhoods can be leveled within minutes, leaving residents displaced and communities grappling with the aftermath.

Tornadoes can also disrupt critical infrastructure, including power lines, water supply systems, and communication networks, hindering recovery efforts and prolonging the restoration process.

Safety Precautions and Preparedness

Preparedness is key to mitigating the risks associated with tornadoes:

  • Stay Informed: Monitor local weather forecasts and tornado warnings issued by the National Weather Service.
  • Identify Shelter Options: Know where to seek safe refuge in your home or workplace, such as basements, storm cellars, or interior rooms on the lowest level.
  • Create an Emergency Plan: Establish a family emergency plan that includes communication strategies, evacuation routes, and essential contacts.
Conclusion: Be Vigilant and Prepared

As summer progresses and weather patterns become more volatile, the threat of tornadoes in Rapid City looms large. Understanding the unpredictable nature and devastating impact of tornadoes underscores the importance of preparedness and readiness.

By staying informed, identifying safe shelter options, and having a comprehensive emergency plan in place, individuals and communities can minimize risks and enhance their resilience in the face of a tornado.

Contact SERVPRO of Rapid City for expert tornado damage restoration services. Our team is prepared to respond swiftly and effectively.

Dealing with the Aftermath: Recovering from Tornado Damage in Rapid City | SERVPRO of Rapid City

7/2/2024 (Permalink)

thunderclouds and lightning next to funnel cloud behind home SERVPRO of Rapid City is Here to Help® after intense summer storms affect your home or business.

Tornadoes are unpredictable forces of nature that can cause extensive damage to homes and businesses in Rapid City. In the wake of a tornado, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and unsure of what steps to take next.

However, knowing what to do immediately after suffering tornado damage can help expedite the recovery process and minimize further harm.

Here’s a guide on what to do right after experiencing tornado damage in Rapid City:

Prioritize Safety First

Assessing Hazards: Before anything else, ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones. Be on the lookout for any immediate dangers such as downed power lines, gas leaks, or structural instability. If you suspect any hazards, evacuate the area immediately and contact emergency services for assistance. Safety should always be the top priority in the aftermath of a tornado.

Inspecting for Damage: Once it’s safe to do so, conduct a thorough inspection of your property to assess the extent of the tornado damage. Check for structural damage to your home or business, including roof damage, broken windows, and compromised walls. Take note of any areas where water may be entering the building, as water damage can exacerbate the situation if left unchecked.

Taking Immediate Action

Emergency Repairs: After assessing the damage, prioritize emergency repairs to prevent further deterioration of your property. Tarping roofs, boarding up windows, and sealing any openings can help mitigate additional damage caused by exposure to the elements. Addressing these issues promptly can help protect your property while you wait for more extensive repairs to be made.

Mitigating Water Damage: Tornadoes often bring heavy rainfall, leading to water damage inside buildings. If your property has suffered water intrusion, take immediate action to extract standing water and begin the drying process. Mold can start to develop within 24-48 hours of water damage, so it’s crucial to act quickly to prevent further issues. Consider contacting a professional water damage restoration service like SERVPRO of Rapid City for assistance with water extraction and drying.

Documenting the Damage and Contacting Your Insurance Provider

Documenting Damage: To facilitate the insurance claims process, document the tornado damage thoroughly. Take photographs and videos of the damage from multiple angles, capturing both the interior and exterior of your property. Keep detailed records of any emergency repairs or expenses incurred as a result of the tornado damage.

Contacting Your Insurance Provider: Once you’ve documented the damage, contact your insurance provider to file a claim. Provide them with the evidence you’ve gathered, including photographs, videos, and written descriptions of the damage. Keep track of all communications with your insurance company and follow their instructions closely to ensure a smooth claims process.

Partner with SERVPRO of Rapid City

Recovering from tornado damage can be a daunting task, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. At SERVPRO of Rapid City, we specialize in tornado damage restoration and are here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today for immediate assistance with tornado damage cleanup and restoration.

Our team of professionals is available 247 to respond to emergencies and help you get back on your feet after a tornado. Don’t wait – call SERVPRO of Rapid City now for reliable and efficient tornado damage restoration services.

Dealing with storm damage? Call SERVPRO of Rapid City for a quick restoration.

Preparing Your Home and Family For Tornado Season | SERVPRO of Rapid City

6/17/2024 (Permalink)

lightning strike across stormy purple sky Whether its storm damage cleanup or restoration, SERVPRO of Rapid City is ready to respond in a moments notice to your call.

As summer approaches in the Midwest, our community needs to prepare for the possibility of tornadoes. These violent storms can strike suddenly and cause extensive damage to homes and communities.

However, by taking proactive steps to prepare your home and family, you can increase your chances of staying safe during tornado season.

Getting Your Home Ready

Before tornado season begins, it’s crucial to assess your home’s vulnerabilities and make necessary improvements to protect against storm damage. Start by inspecting your roof for any signs of damage or weakness, such as loose or missing shingles. Reinforce your roof if needed and consider installing hurricane straps or clips to help secure it to the rest of your home’s structure.

Next, examine your windows and doors to ensure they are strong enough to withstand high winds and flying debris. Consider investing in impact-resistant windows or installing storm shutters for added protection during tornadoes. Reinforce garage doors to prevent them from collapsing under pressure, which can lead to significant damage to your home.

Understanding Tornado Alerts

It’s essential to understand the difference between a tornado watch and a tornado warning to know how to respond effectively during severe weather events.

  • Tornado Watch: A tornado watch is issued when weather conditions are favorable for the development of tornadoes. During a tornado watch, stay informed and be prepared to take action if a tornado warning is issued for your area. Monitor weather updates closely and have a plan in place to seek shelter if necessary.

  • Tornado Warning: A tornado warning is issued when a tornado has been spotted or indicated by radar in your area. When a tornado warning is issued, it means that a tornado is imminent or already occurring, and immediate action is required to protect yourself and your family. Seek shelter in a safe room or basement, away from windows and exterior walls, and stay there until the storm has passed and it is safe to emerge.

Create a Tornado Preparedness Plan

Having a tornado preparedness plan in place is essential for ensuring the safety of your family during severe weather events. Designate a safe room or area in your home where you can take shelter during a tornado. Stock this area with emergency supplies, including water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, a first-aid kit, and any necessary medications.

Ensure that everyone in your household knows the location of the safe room and understands the importance of seeking shelter immediately when a tornado warning is issued. Practice tornado drills regularly so that everyone is familiar with the procedure and knows what to do in the event of a tornado.

Summer tornado season in the Midwest can be unpredictable and dangerous, but by taking proactive steps to prepare your home and family, you can increase your chances of staying safe and minimizing damage.

If your home is affected by a tornado or other severe weather event, SERVPRO of Rapid City is here to help.

Setting Up Your Backyard Grill for Success and Fire Prevention This Summer | SERVPRO of Rapid City

6/3/2024 (Permalink)

burgers over open flame grill Gather around the grill, but don't forget about fire safety! Follow these tips from SERVPRO of Rapid City to ensure a fun and safe night.

As the warm weather arrives, there’s nothing quite like firing up the grill and enjoying a delicious meal in your backyard. However, grilling comes with its own set of safety concerns, particularly the risk of fire.

To ensure a safe and enjoyable grilling experience this summer, here are some tips for setting up your backyard grill for success and fire prevention.

Choose the Right Location

Selecting the proper location for your grill is crucial for both safety and convenience.

Keep it Away from Structures: Position your grill at least ten feet away from your home, garage, deck railings, and overhanging branches. This distance reduces the risk of fire spreading to nearby structures.

Ensure Good Ventilation: Grill in an open area with good ventilation to prevent the buildup of smoke and carbon monoxide. Avoid using your grill indoors or in enclosed spaces, as this can lead to dangerous fumes.

Use a Stable Surface: Place your grill on a stable and level surface, away from any potential tripping hazards. Avoid setting it on grass, which can be a fire hazard, and opt for concrete or gravel instead.

Clean and Maintain Your Grill

Regular cleaning and maintenance are essential for both the performance and safety of your grill.

Clean the Grill Grates: Before each use, scrub the grill grates with a wire brush to remove any leftover food residue. This not only prevents flare-ups but also ensures that your food cooks evenly.

Empty the Grease Trap: Keep the grease trap or pan beneath the grill clean and empty to prevent grease buildup, which can ignite and cause a fire.

Inspect for Damage: Check your grill regularly for any signs of damage, such as rusted or corroded parts. Replace worn-out or damaged components promptly to maintain the safety and functionality of your grill.

Practice Safe Grilling Techniques

Follow these tips to grill safely and prevent fires:

Keep a Fire Extinguisher Nearby: Have a fire extinguisher rated for grease fires within reach whenever you’re grilling. Familiarize yourself with how to use it before an emergency arises.

Never Leave the Grill Unattended: Stay vigilant while grilling and never leave it unattended, especially when children or pets are nearby.

Be Prepared for Emergencies: Have a plan in place in case of a fire. Know how to safely extinguish a grease fire and when to call the fire department.

By following these tips for setting up your backyard grill and practicing safe grilling techniques, you can enjoy delicious outdoor meals without the worry of fire hazards.

If you experience fire damage or need assistance with fire cleanup and restoration, don’t hesitate to contact SERVPRO of Rapid City.

Tips for Storm Planning With Your Family | SERVPRO of Rapid City

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage

Storms can be a scary experience for anyone, but especially for children and pets. The sound of thunder, lightning and tornado sirens can leave you feeling unsure of where to start when it comes to your response. However, with proper preparation, you can keep your family calm and collected during storm situations.

Our team has put together some simple tips to help you incorporate storm planning into your family routine, ensuring everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency. By following these steps, you can take control of the situation and make sure your loved ones stay safe during severe weather.

<h3the-sky-signs">Learning the Sky Signs

We can all easily tell the difference between a cloudy day and a sunny one, but recognizing when severe weather is approaching can be a bit trickier. Teach your kids to keep an eye on the sky when they are outside and to look for rotating clouds, a dark or green sky, or rumbling thunder and lightning.

In addition, your kids should know what a tornado siren sounds like and when one might be activated. A great time to do this is during a testing day! Have your kids simulate a regular day and then time them to see how long it takes to get to your safe shelter location once the test siren goes off.

<h3for-incoming-weather">Preparing for Incoming Weather

Has your family discussed your storm emergency plan? Doing so can help everyone understand what is expected of them during a true emergency. Locate your safe shelter location and work together to prepare your emergency kit.

Once you choose your safe sheltering area, keep it free of clutter and consider moving a heavy object like a table or desk into the room to act as additional protection. Have a little fun by building a fort under the table with your kids and huddle together inside.

You should also let your kids help pack up your emergency kit! Start by gathering the essentials and then let your kids pick some special snacks to go into the bag. Let them each choose a durable water bottle as well.

Let your kids add a flashlight into the bag for themselves and let them label theirs with their own name. Don’t forget extra batteries, matches and any necessary medications. Finally, let your kids add games or activities into the bag that will keep them entertained while they have to shelter in place. It may seem unnecessary during an emergency, but we promise that you will be grateful for the distraction if you are stuck inside for a long period of time.

<h3the-kids-calm">Keeping the Kids Calm

When severe weather strikes, it’s natural for children to feel scared and apprehensive. As a parent, it’s important to ease their fears and help them feel more confident during these situations. One way to do this is by educating them on the actual probability of experiencing severe destruction or being directly hit by a tornado. In most cases, damage is usually limited to the roof, siding and surrounding areas and doesn’t result in total devastation.

Reassure your children that they are safe, and remind them of the steps you have taken to prepare for the storm. To keep their minds off of the weather, engage them in fun activities and try to narrate the events in a lighthearted manner. For example, you could turn the storm into a game of “indoor camping” and encourage them to build a fort in your safe shelter location.

By incorporating these tips into your severe weather plan, you can help your children feel more prepared and confident during storms.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

Top Tips for Avoiding Musty Smells After a Water Leak | SERVPRO of Rapid City

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

water dripping from ceiling into a large puddle on tile floor Trust our team at SERVPRO of Rapid City to provide comprehensive services for a full recovery for all your water damage restoration needs.

You come home from a long day of work and step directly into a puddle of water. Maybe your dishwasher leaked or you left a window open and rain came pouring in, and now you have a serious situation to deal with.

Even if you grab a mop and a bucket to dry it up or soak up the visible water with some towels, chances are that you probably aren’t drying up all of the moisture. Leaving any sort of lingering moisture behind can open you up to much bigger issues down the road, and you certainly don’t want that to happen.

Hiring a professional to help you recover from water damage will ensure that you avoid issues like mold growth, rot and stinky musty odors from hazards like mildew.

Addressing the Leak

Once water has made its way to somewhere in your home where it shouldn’t be, it can cause serious problems for your walls, floors and ceiling. It will leak and seep into the tiniest of cracks or water-permeable areas, and once it gets to these hard-to-reach areas, it can be really hard or impossible to clean up on your own.

If you suffer a water leak at your house, your first instinct will be to grab some towels and clean up the mess. While that will certainly help remove the standing water, you most likely won’t be able to access the moisture that has already made its way behind your walls and under your floors.

To make matters worse, this kind of moisture doesn’t simply evaporate over time. Without access to proper air movement or ventilation, this moisture will linger and continue to cause you problems.

You can expect the lingering moisture to start infiltrating your home’s internal structures. It can swell supporting beams, cause rust to form on metal and can make walls unsteady. In addition, it only takes 24–48 hours for a few mold spores to grow into a huge colony, which means that you could be dealing with serious mold infestations just a matter of days after the initial incident.

Follow Your Nose to the Source

One of the most easily recognizable signs of mold or mildew is the odor that they can produce. Mold often smells musty or earthy, so if you notice a similar smell after a seemingly unsuspecting water leak, it’s time to follow your nose. However, that can be really difficult to do if the infestation is protected behind your walls!

If you suspect a mold infestation that you can’t easily get to, it’s time to give us a call. Our water damage restoration team is highly trained on reversing water damage, but we are also trained to handle potentially dangerous mold infestations. We will repair warped walls, address ruined floorboards and track down mold with confidence and with safety in mind.

In addition to the physical restoration, we will also tackle any lingering odors left behind by the mold. Our odor removal specialists will seal off the area by closing vents and turning off your HVAC system, and then we will filter the area to remove all of the airborne particles. When it comes to water damage and the lingering odors left behind, SERVPRO of Rapid City is here to help.

Don’t ignore signs of a water leak. Contact SERVPRO® for a full recovery.

Insurance Claims Made Simple | SERVPRO of Rapid City

4/15/2024 (Permalink)

team of servpro workers unloading a branded work van and entering a business for a commercial job SERVPRO of Rapid City is Here to Help® with your business' disaster recovery!

Disaster situations can be overwhelming for anyone, especially if there is an element of danger to them. While the emergency is happening, safety becomes your top priority and you focus on keeping your family close and protected until the situation is under control.

However, once the initial emergency is over, it certainly doesn’t mean that there is nothing left to do. Recovering after a disaster takes work and that in itself can seem insurmountable.

SERVPRO of Rapid City is thankfully here to take over your entire recovery! We can handle your reconstruction and repairs as well as the more confusing aspects of disaster recovery, like navigating insurance claims.

Starting the Recovery

Fires, floods and severe storm situations can cause a lot of damage in a really short amount of time, and they can cause chaos really easily if you aren’t prepared or don’t have a plan in place ahead of time. Focus first on keeping everyone calm and safe before turning your attention to your recovery.

Even if the situation itself is really overwhelming, it is unfortunately crucial to start on your recovery efforts immediately. The longer you wait, the worse the situation can become, and the lingering damage can cause further problems. Once you have determined that your family is safe, give us a call so we can get started on your restoration.

Take photos of the damage while you wait for us to arrive. The more you can document, the better!

Your insurance company will want fresh images of the situation, so taking photos right away will give them the best possible information. You should also take a look around and see if there is anything small that you can do to help, like turning off a water valve or opening windows for ventilation.

Leaving the Rest to Us

The good news is that once we arrive, we take over every aspect of your recovery! Our team will secure your home to prevent further damage by boarding up windows, securing roofs and pulling possessions out of the damaged area. We are highly trained in the restoration techniques needed, and we will also work on starting the necessary steps for submitting your insurance claim.

We will put together an itemized list of your losses while also making sure to meet insurance inspection standards to lower your potential costs. Once this list is compiled, we will combine that with the images you took and the professional shots that we took and then we will use all of that to report your damage to your insurance agent. Our team will work hard to restore rather than replace as much of your property as possible.

When you leave your recovery to us, good things will happen. Call us day or night and our crew will help you navigate your restoration and your insurance claim with ease.

When a disaster strikes, call SERVPRO® to make your recovery process—insurance claims and all—simple.

The Basics of Flood Damage and Prevention | SERVPRO of Rapid City

4/1/2024 (Permalink)

rain water pooling on a hardwood floor after a storm with a man in work boots walking through it SERVPRO of Rapid City is ready to help in a moments notice after spring showers leak in to your home or business.

When you really want to get a task done well, do you just jump right in and tackle it all at once or do you break it down to the basics and work your way in? Oftentimes, starting at the beginning can help you tackle a problem more completely and will work better for you in the long run.

This is especially true when it comes to preventing home damage during severe weather or other home disasters. If you take simple prevention steps now, you will be much more likely to find success when the situation does occur.

Home and property flooding is a serious issue that can happen at any time, so use the steps below to help you prepare for this unfortunate type of emergency.

Flood Zones

Floods are usually associated with massive weather events, but that is not always the case. Sure, they can occur when it is raining heavily, but they can also happen when water lines break or when appliances malfunction. Either way, knowing what to do and how to react is crucial.

Do you know if your home is in a designated flood zone? Due to our close proximity to the Black Hills, we can experience higher instances of flooding than other communities around us, so it is important to know your home’s specific risk.

Even if you are not in a flood zone directly, you should still take precautions to help your home stay dry. Adding extra drainage to your yard or lengthening your downspouts can help encourage all that water to flow somewhere more productive.

If your property has a lot of trees, make sure that your gutters are cleared regularly or install gutter covers to keep any yard debris and leaves out of your system. In addition, you should be checking your roof regularly for signs of damage after every storm.

Being Prepared

While it is necessary to understand the various threat levels for our area, it is also important to take steps to protect your property. If you have suffered flood damage before, that experience might actually help you make some meaningful changes to your home.

For example, if your basement tends to flood when it rains, you can use that knowledge to invest in a professional yard grading. If your yard slopes away from your home instead of backward toward your foundation, gravity can help pull the rain down into a more productive place. You can also use this knowledge to purchase things for your home like new seals for your windows and doors or a sump pump to help keep water out of the lowest areas of your home.

Even if you start with the basics of flood prevention and work hard to keep your property dry, we all know that Mother Nature is unpredictable. Call us day or night for a quick restoration.

Do you have water damage in your home? Contact us at SERVPRO® for fast recovery.

Something Stinky? Dealing With Sewage Leaks Safely | SERVPRO of Rapid City

3/15/2024 (Permalink)

sewage water pooling on a kitchen floor after a leak SERVPRO of Rapid City is always ready to respond to your call when biohazard incidents strike.

Sewage is supposed to flow down and away from your home safely without you ever having to worry about it, or without thinking about what is flowing through your pipes. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen the way it should!

Sewage leaks can happen at the most unexpected times, leaving you with a serious mess—and a serious stink—to deal with right away. We offer some reliable tips to deal with sewage leaks safely so you can recover faster.

<h3to-the-situation">Responding to the Situation

Sewage backups can happen whenever a clog or blockage occurs in your pipe system. If the wastewater can’t move down and away from your home like it should, it can get forced backward into your toilets, tubs and sinks. In addition, sewage leaks can happen if your pipeline becomes compromised or if a connection gets loose.

No matter the situation, your first priority should be to stay out of the water. Sewage is considered a toxic substance and is categorized as dangerous black water. Black water could contain viruses, bacteria and microbes that can make you really sick or can even be deadly.

If you are able to locate and reach the water shutoff valve without getting into the water, do so right away to stop the flow of water. After that, turn on some fans and open a window to let the fumes escape. You should also be dialing up our phone number at this time!

<h3our-team-shines">Where Our Team Shines

Whether your leak is small or the wastewater is all over your floors, it is crucial to have a trained biohazard cleanup crew onsite to help with the situation. Since sewage is potentially dangerous, you should leave the cleanup to the professionals who have the right equipment and safety gear to take care of it properly.

We will get right to work gathering the supplies and crew that we need, so while you wait for us to arrive, we recommend that you take some photos. These images will certainly not be making a holiday card anytime soon, but they are necessary for your insurance claim.

Once we arrive, we will focus on removing the sewage while also locating the reason for the leak in the first place. Our team will secure the leak and tackle repairs while our cleaning crew will remove the standing water. Since sewage is potentially dangerous, we will encourage you to stay out of the area while we work.

After the repairs have taken place and the sewage is gone, we will employ our deodorizers to remove any lingering stinky smells. We can also address any reconstruction needs that you may have! Water can cause serious damage to your walls and floors, so we can replace floorboards and drywall as needed.

Stop the stink and call SERVPRO® right away! Our crew will make sure to tackle your recovery quickly so you can return to your home safely as soon as possible.

Sewage leaks should always be cleaned up by professionals. Call SERVPRO, and we will take care of you.

Weather Alerts: What You Need to Know | SERVPRO of Rapid City

3/1/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pouring down on an outdoor metal roof in a storm Let SERVPRO of Rapid City help you get from April showers to May flowers.

The spring season is well on its way, and it’s time once again to dust off our rain boots and enjoy warmer and longer days ahead! That also means that rumbling thunderstorms, heavy rain and even severe weather are on the horizon once more.

Even though we can’t control the spring weather, we can certainly all be prepared for it. Our team explains some easy ways to stay connected to the weather forecast and any changing conditions through various alert systems.

Staying Connected Via the Internet

We all spend so much time on our phones and are connected to screens all day every day, so it is natural to turn to the internet when it comes to receiving alerts. Wireless Emergency Alerts are alerts that can be issued automatically if you are connected to WiFi if there is a serious situation developing, or you can download a reliable weather app to receive alerts and notifications based on your specific location.

If you go the app route, make sure you are choosing wisely. There are many different kinds of weather apps out there, and they are not all created equally. Avoid the ones that tend to exaggerate forecasts purely for engagement, and stick with nationally recognized organizations instead. You should also consider signing up for the Pennington County weather alerts so you are always in the know!

News stations or local weather channels can also be trusted sources, so turn on your TV whenever there is a system approaching so you can watch it move in real-time. These live updates can help you determine your travel plans or when you need to be seeking shelter.

Other Alert Options

You should also have at least one alert system in place that will work regardless if we have power or not. Phones, TVs and laptops are great ways to stay connected, but only if we have electricity! Once batteries run out, you could be left in a really vulnerable position if you are caught without a way to receive alerts.

Local weather sirens that are positioned around town can also be a great indicator that something is amiss, but they also shouldn’t be relied on completely if you live in a part of town that makes it hard to hear them.

We recommend investing in an NOAA weather radio! A hand-crank or solar-powered radio can be a really good backup in case we lose power. You can take it with you into your sheltering location, or you can take it with you when you are out inspecting your property after the first wave of weather passes.

Being prepared is something we will always encourage, but we also know that it is not always a foolproof plan. If your home is damaged in a storm this season, give us a call right away so we can address repairs and help you recover completely.

Serious storms can cause serious property damage. Call SERVPRO® 247 for immediate restoration assistance.